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Other Primitive Weapons Hall of Fame List (Read 2153 times)
Slinging.org Moderator


Posts: 8230
Other Primitive Weapons Hall of Fame List
Mar 26th, 2021 at 3:30pm
This is a list for all threads in this subforum that deserve special recognition. Whether due to the discussion it spawns or the information and work put into them this is where to find the best of the best in this subforum from over the life of this website. This thread will remain locked. If you have a suggestion please PM one of the mods and let them know of any suggestions for additions to this thread. Thanks and enjoy!

Pellet Bow by Slyngorm

A thread on the making, use and history of the pellet bow.

Bow Making challenge - Wait, you can’t make a bow with that... by Joe_Meadmaker

A thread on making bows out of unusual materials

Grading Ranged Weapons Survivalist’ charts by Slyngorm

A comprehensive discussion on the pros and cons of different primitive weapons.

The most archaic of the archaic.....THE STICK by Waxwing_Sling

All about the throwing stick.

Trees/Staves/Bow Wood by Morphy

A thread on discussing woods, their properties and their uses.

Bull whips by NoOneOfConsequence

A thread on bull whip construction and use.

Warbow penetration tests Tod's workshop w/ Joe Gibbs vid by Sarosh

A thread on war bows.

Archemedies claw by Douglas_The_Black

A thread on the genius of Archemedies.

Ski Bow by Kick

A thread on making a bow from old skis.

Knuckledusters by PerpetualStudent

A thread on brass knuckles and other such weapons.

Wow!!! Rabbit Sticks are no joke! By RJB

A very long thread on throwing/rabbit sticks.

Atlatls & Darts by Paleoarts

The penultimate thread on all things atlatl.

Your EDC Knife by Fletchman

A thread on individual preferences on every day carry knives.

Scythian arrowheads and chem weapons...

A fascinating look at the evil genius of ancient arrowheads.
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« Last Edit: Mar 27th, 2021 at 10:31am by Morphy »  
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(Moderators: Chris, Rat Man, Mauro Fiorentini, Bill Skinner, David Morningstar, Masiakasaurus, Curious Aardvark)