I have a number of details - and probably a similar number of questions / topics of discussion. Let me see what I can address for you up front:
It's a 2-day event, but you need not be there 2 days. August 16-17, Howard County Fairgrounds, right off of I-70. My first thought is that you'd be an all-day "edutainer" (the term used for folks that provide education in an entertaining environment and fashion.) I don't know if that means you merely demonstrate or if you could actually teach - I don't know what I don't know here. For example, we also have an edutainer that teaches lessons on using the whip, and he'll spend 5-10 minutes per person teaching them to - and having them right then - crack a whip. He sells products and merch to offset costs (and probably make a little revenue, truth be told.) So it might be an all-day thing, or you might have scheduled presentations - that's all up for discussion.
If you were here both days, we'd have an agreement to compensate you for travel / lodging / etc. as we do with most distant edutainers. The website has some of the details - in some ways, it has a lot of data from last year that hasn't been updated yet - see
http://www.oakenmist.com and that might give you a frame of reference.
Our questions would be similar to what we have with others: how much space do you need, indoor/outdoor, can we put you in a barn with netting for safety, etc.
Now - this is a Renaissance Faire. You'd have to be in period clothing (or a close facsimilie thereof.) We're expecting about 3000 people over the course of the weekend, and they run the gamut from kids coming off the soccer field to people who go to a RenFaire every weekend, all genders and ages.
That should address a couple of questions for you. Shall we continue to speak, milord?