Giant Slayer


Repent and believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ!
Posts: 18
Adelaide, South Australia
Hello everyone,
My name is Michael, I'm 30 years old, and I live in Adelaide, Australia. I became interested in slinging after reading about it in the Bible. After researching it, I found that it's a simple yet surprisingly effective weapon, which also seems underrepresented in historical combat movies and underrated overall. In Australia, the list of regulated or illegal weapons seems to be growing by the year, but thankfully, the sling hasn't made it onto that list yet, and I hope it never does! I made the decision to sell my firearms in recent years due to all the fee's, rules and regulations that make it a very expensive and difficult to pursue hobby.
I'm also seeking hobbies that don’t involve technology, especially since I no longer play video games. I’m particularly drawn to slinging because of how fast and far you can throw stones with relative ease. It's a silent, inexpensive hobby that offers solitude and silence, which I think is beneficial in this busy, noisy and fast-paced world. I'm also interested in crafting some of my own slings and have already ordered some equipment and materials to do so. I'm excited to learn more and connect with others who share the same interest.
Cheers, Michael
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Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword and with a spear and with a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” ... So David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone, and struck the Philistine and killed him. There was no sword in the hand of David. (1 Samuel 17:45, 50 ESV)
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