xud9a - call me zud 👍 wrote on Dec 19
th, 2024 at 5:13am:
How do you know the world is becoming more chaotic at a faster rate ?
One of the answers to that questions is:
xud9a - call me zud 👍 wrote on Dec 19
th, 2024 at 5:13am:
Especially "the media' - use it more selectively and suddenly, your world changes.
Emphasis on 'your world changes'.
The world is more chaotic because people are able to access information more quickly and easily than ever before. That could be a good thing. But the majority of information floating about out there is garbage. Even if someone is looking for information and their intentions are good (or pure, or legitimate, or innocent), it can be difficult to find accurate and unbiased information on any topic. One of the problems is the the bulk of the information providers don't put correctness at a high priority (if any priority at all). They only care that you keep watching, clicking, and scrolling through what they're feeding you.