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Slinging in the Olympics? (Read 512 times)

Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 26
Ko`olaupoko, Hawai`i
Gender: male
Slinging in the Olympics?
Aug 21st, 2024 at 5:05am
With the recent conclusion of the Paris Olympics, what do you guys think if they made slinging and Olympic event?  Maybe a contest accuracy at measured distances using regulation size, and weight stones or cast bullets.  I would allow a little freedom as to sling design, and materials.  What do you guys think?
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He then took his staff in his hand and chose five smooth stones from the streambed and placed them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag, and his sling was in his hand. And he began approaching the Philistine.  David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet the Philistine.  David thrust his hand into his bag and took a stone from there and slung it. He struck the Philistine in the forehead...
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 1183
Re: Slinging in the Olympics?
Reply #1 - Aug 21st, 2024 at 9:12am
I think it would make slinging expensive and regulated (also by law) long before any slinger gets any benefit in any form. olympics is like a last step not the first step of the growth of a sport. But I can't see how it would grow anyway to archery/darts/skateboard level of popularity since it is very difficult to sling in a city.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3260
Re: Slinging in the Olympics?
Reply #2 - Aug 21st, 2024 at 10:27pm
At this point in time I don't believe slinging has a wide enough popularity (meaning people actually doing it) that it would even be considered.

A search online returned this:
The Olympic Charter indicates that in order to be accepted, a sport must be widely practiced by men in at least 75 countries and on four continents and by women in no fewer than 40 countries and on three continents.

I think we'd need to see a lot more tournaments happening around the world before a discussion could even be started.  In general I think it would be cool to see though.  I think slinging definitely deserves to be there above some other events.  Breakdancing certainly comes to mind. Roll Eyes
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Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 17
Gender: female
Re: Slinging in the Olympics?
Reply #3 - Aug 23rd, 2024 at 11:55am
I think slinging deserves a place in the Olympic Games, but to achieve this, there's a long way to walk and quite a lot of work to do.
I also did some research to learn about the requirements for a new sport to become an Olympic Game.
From my point of view, it is not impossible for slinging to turn into one of them in the long term.
Apart from this, there's no need to make new rules, at this moment there is only one slinging federation, which has the slinging rules in writing. You can read them at https://tirdefona.es

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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3260
Re: Slinging in the Olympics?
Reply #4 - Aug 23rd, 2024 at 8:13pm
Joana wrote on Aug 23rd, 2024 at 11:55am:
at this moment there is only one slinging federation, which has the slinging rules in writing. You can read them at https://tirdefona.es

I imagine we'd see a lot of changes in an Olympic version of sling competition.  I think it's great that FBTF has those posted, but even the Slinging World Cup in Ibiza doesn't follow those regulations exactly.  The distances are different, and there are also 4 rounds of 5 throws at the 20m distance.

I think ammunition would change too.  For competition right now we generally use tennis balls or stones.  I don't think either of these would be used in Olympic slinging.  Tennis balls are too light for their size and everyone hates them.  And stones destroy whatever you're slinging at.  I think an Olympic version would still be slinging, but I imagine some things would be a little bit different from what most of us are used to.
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Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 17
Gender: female
Re: Slinging in the Olympics?
Reply #5 - Aug 24th, 2024 at 5:08am
I know that in the slinging world cup the rules are different, and most of the throwing styles are accepted, but from what I know , there's only one official regulation of the sport and this is the one that the FBTF has. I do not know if the rules for the slinging world cup are official or not, I will not discuss it.
Going back to the Olympic games, if we can have competitions in our fields, why can't we have them in the Olympic Games? And what about the weight throw? If the facility meets the security conditions, there shouldn't be any inconveniences for throwing stones. A football pitch would do, for example.
There are a few of Balearic slingers, including myself, who have been dealing with this idea for quite a long time. And as I said in my previous post, slinging requires a lot of work to try to achieve this goal. The first step is to have slinging federated clubs in the countries where it is practiced, the second is to create an International Federation and after that, if we accomplish the Olympic Games requirements, we can propose it. That is why I said that since the FBTF is the only one which has OFFICIAL RULES, and it is the only one federation that exists right now, why don't we accept them as a beginning of this long way?
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 1183
Re: Slinging in the Olympics?
Reply #6 - Aug 24th, 2024 at 8:25am

1st problem: would you standardize ammo? stones in balearic islands are different than in other parts of the world.
mass, density, texture changes performance and takes time to adapt. you can't train with limestone and compete with granite. Using stone as standard ammo would cause problems with resources, like money to get a supply of standard stone ammo or environmental problems by removing tons of stones from the beaches that have the good stones by slinging clubs.

If there is standardization in the form of clay/plastic bullets then we need the money to support it. It can theoretically be done but every club should have a local manufacturer to save on shipping costs or you get really expensive ammo.

If then there is no standardization we would have slingers using lead, steel, stones or tennis balls competing each other which I find cool but Olympics or local clubs wouldn't like people using lead or iron as they may be too dangerous.

2nd problem:
you need more land to run a slinging club than an archery club for the same amount of people also add the safety measures needed that would then need to be standardized by law the same way they are for gun or archery ranges.

I don't see it growing to olympic level with any set of rules. golf grew because rich people were interested. skateboard grew as an accessible past time and later sponsors threw money to good athletes attracting even more people to it, similarly pc gaming grew.

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Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 17
Gender: female
Re: Slinging in the Olympics?
Reply #7 - Aug 24th, 2024 at 9:21am
The FBTF has got its own field which meets the security measures, and so does the UEM in Minorca. In both fields, competitions are held and with security measures. The size of the facility shouldn't be a problem.
Ammo may be a topic to think about.
I agree with you that slinging needs to gain more popularity and it can only be got by promoting it.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3260
Re: Slinging in the Olympics?
Reply #8 - Aug 25th, 2024 at 11:16am
Joana wrote on Aug 24th, 2024 at 5:08am:
since the FBTF is the only one which has OFFICIAL RULES

Not exactly.  Anyone (or any organization) holding a tournament can have their own official rules.  I was at the Down South comp that was hosted by Practical Paracord this year.  There were other events outside of the normal 13m and 20m distances, and rules set for those events.

Slinging.org also has its own "official" rules: https://slinging.org/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1429463497.  Although it's possible these might need a review/update.  I'm actually not sure who originally put these together.  But ultimately any organization can create their own official rules, and those rules only need to be adhered to for competition hosted by that organization.  The Olympics certainly has its own rule variations for many sports.

Again, I'm not saying the rules set by FBTF aren't absolutely fine as a starting point.  Just that it wouldn't surprise me if a final Olympic version looked a little different.  How about a round target with rings of different point values, similar to an archery target (but bigger)?  Smiley
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Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 17
Gender: female
Re: Slinging in the Olympics?
Reply #9 - Aug 25th, 2024 at 11:31am
You might be right.
But anyway, if there are not federated clubs and an international federation this idea of trying slinging being in the olympic games (at a very long term) is just a dream.

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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3260
Re: Slinging in the Olympics?
Reply #10 - Aug 25th, 2024 at 9:46pm
100% agree.  Clubs, organization, and tournaments for slinging, let's go!!!  You're absolutely right that things need to be successful at a small scale first.
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