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Is whip crack correlated with rifle spin? (Read 358 times)
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spaghetti master

Posts: 90
Clearwater, FL
Is whip crack correlated with rifle spin?
Aug 13th, 2024 at 9:19pm
I know the whip crack topic has gotten a lot of discussion in the past, but I didn't see anything specifically on this subject and wanted to see what everyone's experience was.

I've done a lot of spin troubleshooting this week and now that I think I have my issue figured out, I noticed something. Whenever I got a perfect rifle spin (paralell to the ground and my line of sight), I would get a distinct pop from my release cord, even with a very low effort throw.

None of them quite turned into a whip crack since I was using very low effort during this troubleshooting, but it was the sort of pop that you can tell would be a crack at full power. This is compared to that whistling whoosh sound I would consistently get whenever I threw with bad form - a strong perpendicular spin (causing the trajectory to bend strongly to the side).

Anyways, I wondered if you all had experienced something similar? Anecdotally, it seems like videos of those of you with consistently good form tend to have a whipcrack except when there is a strong bend on your shot. It's often hard to discern spin due to video quality, but inferring from the trajectory it seems like the straighter shots tend to crack more often or "better" than those with a bend.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3215
Re: Is whip crack correlated with rifle spin?
Reply #1 - Aug 14th, 2024 at 9:26am
In my opinion there's a correlation in a certain kind of way, but not really.  At the end of the day you can achieve rifle spin with no sling crack whatsoever.  And a sling crack isn't going to guarantee rifle spin.

Rifle spin comes from the pouch being oriented correctly (as it relates to the motion of the sling) at the time of release, and the projectile rolling out cleanly.  The crack comes from the release cord rolling out in a smooth motion so maximum energy is transferred to the tip (cracker).  Although I will add that if a projectile interferes with the release cord (or vice versa depending on how you're looking at it), you are very unlikely to get a good rifle spin or a crack.

The way I would word the statement is a clean projectile release with good wrist orientation will aid in achieving rifle spin and/or a sling crack.  But it's the clean release that the two concepts are tied to rather than each other.

That's just the way I look at it.  I could certainly be convinced otherwise.
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Rat Man
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Is whip crack correlated with rifle spin?
Reply #2 - Aug 14th, 2024 at 11:14am
  I can't say it any better than Joe just did so I'll leave it at that.
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Junior Member

spaghetti master

Posts: 90
Clearwater, FL
Re: Is whip crack correlated with rifle spin?
Reply #3 - Aug 14th, 2024 at 12:59pm
Yeah I wasn't thinking causation here, as I'm sure you could get one without the other if you tried at it.

But certainly like you said Joe, it seems like clean release aids both of these things which is why I was thinking they have a strong correlation.

I still have yet to get a proper whip crack since my form is still really inconsistent and I don't want to overexert until I have it down solid. But some of the little pops I'm getting with very little effort are very encouraging, and all the more satisfying because they also come with the proper rifle spin that I've been working on for so long!
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3215
Re: Is whip crack correlated with rifle spin?
Reply #4 - Aug 14th, 2024 at 1:20pm
To expand a bit more, I think a crack depends a little more on the sling.  That's not to say that both a rifle spin and cracking don't depend on the sling and the slinger.  But to get a good crack, a tapered sling is certainly helpful.  Also a sling that has a bit of mass to it.

You mentioned that you're not getting cracks.  Keep in mind that you might not.  That doesn't mean your form or technique have something wrong.  At the end of the day what's important is hitting the target (or should be IMO).  Personally, I don't get much of a crack either.  I use a sidearm release, but I find that if I keep the sling a little higher when releasing, I usually have better accuracy.  But if I lower it a bit (still sidearm but moving toward an underhand), I can get a better crack.  Ultimately it's not very consistent for me either.  Some days those two descriptions are the opposite.  Huh
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Junior Member

spaghetti master

Posts: 90
Clearwater, FL
Re: Is whip crack correlated with rifle spin?
Reply #5 - Aug 14th, 2024 at 1:57pm
Yeah, I'm certainly not adjusting to try to get a crack, I just happened to notice that it usually goes together with when I get proper rifle spin. I don't have a tapered release cord (seatbelt sling) but I do have a thin cracker on the end and there are times I'm positive I would have gotten a crack if I had muscled the throw a bit.

Right now my accuracy is a lot better if I ignore spin (most of my throws end up rolling out of the pouch and spin sideways) but I feel like that's a recipe for bad habits and bigger problems down the road so I'm focusing almost entirely on correcting my spin until it's ingrained muscle memory before I go back to dialing in accuracy and power(my 20m in the online competition is going to SUCK this week).
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3215
Re: Is whip crack correlated with rifle spin?
Reply #6 - Aug 14th, 2024 at 10:44pm
erricrice wrote on Aug 14th, 2024 at 1:57pm:
(my 20m in the online competition is going to SUCK this week)

Ha!  I hear that.  Usually I have a good 13m or a good 20m.  Always chasing the week when things go well for both.  Unfortunately that's a bit elusive in recent weeks.
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