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Question: How do you orient yourself in relation to the target when target-slinging?

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Total votes: 13
« Created by: joe_meadmaker on: Jun 22nd, 2024 at 3:25am »

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How do you orient yourself in relation to the target when target-slinging? (Read 1161 times)

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Re: How do you orient yourself in relation to the target when target-slinging?
Reply #15 - Jul 4th, 2024 at 11:37am
Really, all that's changing is the rotation of the target relative to the slinger.
Thinking about it this way, A is the best because the launch point is completely perpendicular to the target, which will make the target a bit easier to hit. It'll probably make the biggest difference when you're super close to the target.
Slinging is mostly mental though, so whatever works best for you is the best one. Besides, if you're 20 meters away, it probably won't make too much of a difference. Fun question though!
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

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Re: How do you orient yourself in relation to the target when target-slinging?
Reply #16 - Jul 5th, 2024 at 1:31am
Teeth wrote on Jul 4th, 2024 at 11:37am:
Really, all that's changing is the rotation of the target relative to the slinger.

Not in the example I'm trying to present.  Instead of a small target as I have shown in the image, imagine you're slinging at a wall.  Is the perpendicular line (of the point you're trying to hit) from your eye to the wall, or from the sling pouch (at the time of release) to the wall?  This is the big conundrum of slinging.  The slinger's line of sight and where the projectile is being release are never in line.  It's a "shoot from the hip" every time.

Teeth wrote on Jul 4th, 2024 at 11:37am:
Thinking about it this way, A is the best because the launch point is completely perpendicular to the target, which will make the target a bit easier to hit. It'll probably make the biggest difference when you're super close to the target.

Partially disagree.  If your release angle from the pouch to the target is straight ahead (as in image A), then release timing is the same on the horizontal plane (left to right) no matter the distance.  A vertical adjustment will be needed depending on the distance to the target and the speed of the projectile.  But with orientation C, a vertical and horizontal adjustment are needed if the distance changes.

Teeth wrote on Jul 4th, 2024 at 11:37am:
Besides, if you're 20 meters away, it probably won't make too much of a difference.

This is kind of the point of the question.  With orientation A, only an adjustment of vertical angle release is needed, depending on projectile speed.  With orientation C, both the vertical and horizontal angle needs to be adjusted.  If we ignore vertical angle, orientation A hits the target at any distance.  Orientation C needs to adjust the release time (angle) for any change of distance.

I agree that a change of body rotation (and even changing the direction of a forward step, which I do all the time) can affect the release angle.  But that's not really what I'm asking.  Ultimately the question is if a slinger prefers to make the adjustments with their positioning, or their timing of release (horizontal release angle).

Teeth wrote on Jul 4th, 2024 at 11:37am:
whatever works best for you is the best one

100% agree.  There is no right or wrong answer to the posted question.  It is just something I'm exploring myself and was curious to see what others thought.
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Huttar mög!

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Re: How do you orient yourself in relation to the target when target-slinging?
Reply #17 - Jul 6th, 2024 at 6:23am
joe_meadmaker wrote on Jul 2nd, 2024 at 9:05pm:
Is that your starting position or your release position?  Or both?

With the balearic style it's my starting position (then turn upper body 90 degrees and finish the throw decently straight towards the release). The beach where I get my only practice rn is heavily sloped so that's why. Also feels like I can get more power this way (?). Target rock is probably a good 50 meters out and my ammo is small rocks and affected by the wind + slices heavily currently (whenever I find a decently bullet-like one) which is also a contributing factor.

But yeah probably as per your example B (or the later example D). MIGHT like to try A once I'm done with my next sling (first 6 strand to practice with tennis balls exclusively). Still too much in the experimental phase of things to have that useful input. Just getting my 2 cents in and following the thread. If there's a good consistant way to line up then that sounds useful.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

where be a rock and a
string there be a sling

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Re: How do you orient yourself in relation to the target when target-slinging?
Reply #18 - Jul 9th, 2024 at 3:06am
Definitely d but then lately I have been trying to incorporate
The whole American baseball pitching style into my hurls
You know the whole leg up bit
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: How do you orient yourself in relation to the target when target-slinging?
Reply #19 - Jul 20th, 2024 at 4:39pm
A is closer from the release point to the target so the margin of error should be a bit higher then B or C.
C gives you a tiny bit of extra angle/time to accelerate the rock, shot might be a bit more powerful.
So B seems like it would be a good balance.
But I never actually paid attention to this before, I will next time.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

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Re: How do you orient yourself in relation to the target when target-slinging?
Reply #20 - Jul 20th, 2024 at 5:15pm
I never paid attention to it (meaning my positioning in front of the target) either for years.  It was only just recently I started thinking about it.  For the largest part of my slinging career, I have used the C orientation.  It just made sense to stand directly in front of the target.  And then a little while back I started thinking about moving more to the left side (as a right handed slinger) so that release angle adjustment (toward the target would be less) when the distance changed.  And it seems to work really well.  That's really the advantage of A.  If you move closer or farther away from the target, the release timing doesn't change.  You may need to adjust the vertical angle for longer distances, but the horizontal angle (assuming a sidearm release) is the same.
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Junior Member

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Re: How do you orient yourself in relation to the target when target-slinging?
Reply #21 - Jul 27th, 2024 at 1:38am
Maybe related, maybe not, but I've been messing around with shooting from behind cover.  Since the sling releases so far to the side, you can get a shot off while standing behind something.  I first noticed when I lost a ball behind some bushes, but now have been standing behind the soccer goal in the park where I practice.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3099
Re: How do you orient yourself in relation to the target when target-slinging?
Reply #22 - Jul 29th, 2024 at 9:17pm
Maybe not related to the question specifically, but certainly a valid topic.  I haven't done a ton of slinging from cover, but have played around with it from behind trees.  A sling can definitely provide reach around the side of a barrier.  You obviously just need to make sure it's far enough in front so it doesn't interfere with your throw.  For me it was usually too much of a distraction to get any great results.
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vinegar drinker

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Re: How do you orient yourself in relation to the target when target-slinging?
Reply #23 - Aug 2nd, 2024 at 12:58am
I've placed my poll vote already a month ago at least, but I figured I should elaborate:

I find I usually sling in the position of A, but as my form is fairly compact and I'm used to shorter slings, the distance of my stance from the center line is generally minimal. Though I've been graciously gifted a Peruvian sling by Ben which is much longer than I'm used to and really whips stones around with authority, and by virtue of its length throws me and/or the pouch position off the center line a bit more, maybe closer to B.

I imagine that as familiarity with a sling increases*, one subconsciously wanders to A, but as so much of slinging is subjective beyond the "objective" baseline of body mechanics, velocity, and accuracy, there's really no telling. Even body mechanics are perhaps as debatable and subjective as the style of sling throw, like Greek or Balearic, or Byzantine, Apache, Figure Eight, and all that.

*this is not to discredit those who are better slingers than me and are oriented in B or C, or any other stance, rather this is just a theory that might hold moot value
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For thus says the LORD: “Behold, I am slinging out the inhabitants of the land at this time, and I will bring distress on them, that they may feel it.”
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