Hello Everyone!
I'm new to this sport, but after a couple of weeks of practicing with some store-bought slings I figured making my own would be the next logical step...except I don't know anything about braiding or knots, and I generally like minimalist designs so many of the sling designs out there don't really seem like they'd be my forte.
With that in mind, I started thinking about how I might be able to make a sling that is easy to make by hand with as little braiding and as few knots as possible, ideally all out of one cord material(no special material for the pouch like leather). This would also have a secondary benefit of being incredibly lightweight and very little drag because of the sparse material on the pouch.
Anyways, I created a simple proof of concept with some yarn that was lying around(I'm traveling at the moment so I don't have my usual paracord available) and it did work at a very basic level for a couple of throws so I think I'm ready to move on to a full size test once I get home and get proper materials.
But I'd like some feedback overall if anyone has any!
First of all, I wasn't able to find any designs particularly similar to this. Is there a name for this type of pouch, or any information on ideal dimensions for the pouch? The closest I ended up finding in terms of minimal/single material design was Mersa's Noodle
https://youtu.be/x3G64qLOzc8 but the pouch is quite different there(although I really like the single cord design and will definitely be making one of my own).
The two cross-threads on the pouch prevent the split from opening too far and letting the ammo fall out, similar to how the split braids create tension in a balearic design preventing the pouch from fully opening. Obviously the length of those cross-threads somewhat determines the ammo size, but the distance between the cross-threads and overall pouch length also would allow for larger/smaller ammo as it will cradle differently.
Is there any theory to support what might be the right length of the pouch and distance between the cross-threads for a given ammo size(tennis ball to start)? Is the idea to contact the ammo only on the "outside" of the swing, thus reducing overall contact? Or is there no particular downside to cradling it from the sides like with a netted pouch or a butterfly leather pouch? It seems like the amouint of contact might affect how much spin you could put on the projectile, but I'm not sure.
Next I'll be researching proper knots for each of the attachment points, so if there are any ideas on the best way to go about that I would much appreciate it(my knot knowledge starts and ends at the square knot). Or better yet, if there's a way to make this "cut-free" with a single length of cord, that would be amazing!