It occured to me that one can express the curve of pointed clay glandes as an arc of a larger diameter circle. Following this gived a certain projectile size and/or volume, one could calculate the diameter of said larger circle and the arc length of the projectiles curve.
Based on this, one could mark and cut out said arc length from a pvc pipe of the correct internal ø and use it to shape glandes from clay balls in a precise and repeatable manner, much like Aardvark shaper, but with longer lengths one could roll multiple balls at once. By using softened wax instead of clay, blanks for the lost-wax casting of bismuth projectiles (please dont sling lead around)
For a 60g clay glande I calculated the following:
(Assuming 15% weight reduction drying air drying and a density of 1.4g/cm³)
60g+15%≈70g clay
70g/1.4g/cm³ = 50cm³
Ellipsoid volume =4/3πabc, where semiaxis a:c = 1:2.5 for a 1:2.5 curve ratio, the same for semiaxis b assuming a circular crosssection. This results in the unsimplified formula being V=4/3π0.4c×0.4c×c
Solving for c with a 50cm³ volume results in c= 4.2cm, meaning a & b both = 1.68cm. These semiaxis are then multiplied by 2 to get the final gland dimensions; 8.4cm long, ø3.36cm
Using this calculator one can then input the values of c and a to find the arc length and diameter of the circle. For the above projectile this is an arc length of 9.27cm and diameter of 12.18cm.
This diameter correlates roughly to the internal diameter of 125x3.1mm PVC pipe with an ID of 11.9cm, the arc length reflecting how wide of a section (measured on the inner wall of the pipe) to cut out.
These formula can course be modified for other curve ratios and projectile weights and densitys. For a 1:2 curve a and b each = 0.5c, for 1:3 0.3'c etc
I intend to build this in the near future, once I get my hands on a few kgs of clay. Until then I welcome others to come up with their own versions.