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Finally Restored my Account (Read 360 times)

Shattered Remains. Wonder

Posts: 224
Turah, Montana
Gender: male
Finally Restored my Account
Dec 3rd, 2023 at 4:54pm
I remember a while back y’all wanted to see more art of mine, but I couldn’t reset my password at all. So I ended up unfortunately ghosting this site for a while. But now I successfully managed to change my password by some miracle haha.

I missed quite a lot I imagine, I saw that CA passed away, may he rest in peace.  What else may I have missed?
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Rat Man
Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Finally Restored my Account
Reply #1 - Dec 4th, 2023 at 10:58am
   Welcome back.  There have been several changes.  I guess the biggest is that at least for now discussions about politics and religion aren't permitted.  I doubt I have to elaborate.  We might give them one more chance in the future.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3150
Re: Finally Restored my Account
Reply #2 - Dec 4th, 2023 at 5:29pm
Welcome back!  In general things haven't changed that much.  It's still a bunch of people spending way too much time thinking about and talking about slinging.  Grin

There's a lot of current forum activity from some newer members, which is great!  There's some really good sling makers who have joined this year.  And one member (rasul) who has established a successful slinging club in California.

We also have two new boards on the forum.  Sling Academy, which is dedicated to how-to videos, demonstrations, and things like that: https://slinging.org/forum/YaBB.pl?board=SlingAcademy.  And Catch This, which used to be a board dedicated to a sling podcast, but now has been opened up to all social media content related to slinging: https://slinging.org/forum/YaBB.pl?board=Podcast.  The social media board (under the new concept) is still pretty new so there's not much there yet.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

...and now, No. 1, the

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Re: Finally Restored my Account
Reply #3 - Dec 4th, 2023 at 5:49pm
I'm not sure the 'Catch This' section should keep that name. I think it should be changed to "Slinging Social Media".

I'll let Kick and NOOC speak to it, but I'm pretty sure they won't be doing more episodes any time soon. That was kind of a pandemic activity that they just don't have the time for at the moment.
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John R.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3150
Re: Finally Restored my Account
Reply #4 - Dec 5th, 2023 at 11:07am
Retaining the name was just an homage to what it was before.  I'm not really tied to it.  Before the change I did bring it up with Kick and Nooc (on Instagram I think) to make sure they were okay with it.  I don't remember for sure, but I believe i mentioned keeping the name to them.

I don't know.  I'm really fine either way.  Maybe I'll start a poll and let everyone chime in.
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Rocks away!

Posts: 953
Re: Finally Restored my Account
Reply #5 - Dec 5th, 2023 at 4:29pm
I agree, it doesn't make too much sense having a general purpose 'slinging on social media' section named after a podcast.

"Slinging on the web" would work as a catch all social media handle.
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