I’ve been thinking about this one for a bit, trying to recall my learning curve from absolute noob to where I’m at.
I’ve used a variety of different targets, slings and ammo; and each of those seem to affect my success in some way.
I went from a point where just getting in front of me was success, and got to where I’m at now where I can hit 2.5 ft board 3/10 times at 13m. (Not great i know
I noticed my consistency slowly drawing in, instead of randomly missing, I now notice when I do miss said board, it’s always either 1-3” above or to the left. I realised this when instead of aiming for the “Diana”, (2.5”) i aimed to the right of the board and got a clean hit. I’m trying to still train myself to hit where I look, but it’s slow progress. I think being able to quantify your improvement,, whether it’s small or large is more important, as you’ll be able to focus on what to adjust; instead of just missing or hitting.
Interesting stuff though guys!