I saw that the clock on my computer has ticked over to October. I figured it was a good time to start a post for the Pumpkin Challenge.
As usual, you just need to hit, crack, smash, and in general bust up a pumpkin with a sling. Videos can show skill, creativity, or just be entertaining. Or all of the above.
Here's some links to the past few for quick access in case anyone wants to check them out.
2022 -
https://slinging.org/forum/YaBB.pl?num=16651151622021 -
https://slinging.org/forum/YaBB.pl?num=16316823232020 -
https://slinging.org/forum/YaBB.pl?num=1599189469There's been a lot of great ideas and a lot of fantastic slinging in the Pumpkin Challenge! This one is getting pretty tough to come up with something new and exciting. Although I'll note that 'new and exciting' isn't in any way required. If you just want to set up a pumpkin and hit it with a stone, do it! We want to see it!
No real time limit on this. A number of us will be going to the international competition this month. So we'll run with this challenge to the end of November or somewhere around there.