Rat Man wrote on Oct 5
th, 2023 at 9:20am:
The problem with Turkey Style is range. When I first started slinging I used just Apache. It was OK but I could never get my shots to go any farther than 90 yards. But there is an obvious advantage. With no twirling windup you don't scare off game.
Yeah that's fair, I can get some good distance with it but compared to just giving a good helicopter wind up, especially on longer slings its quite the difference!
StaffSlinger wrote on Oct 7
th, 2023 at 9:28am:
Check out Tombelaine's discussion not long ago of the Greek "hunting" style without any wind-up. Similar, but doesn't involve holding the pouch -- maybe better (or at least less finicky) for a variety of sling lengths. Joe Meadmaker did a video of that style too I recall.
Yeah I have seen Meadmakers video and took a bit of time to scour the forum! I have tried out the style and I think it's just me, but I am having trouble getting all that energy that Joe was able to get in the video. I am certainly messing something up but for now the style doesn't work for me. Though I have always struggled with those sorts of 'catapult' throws.
Morphy wrote on Oct 21
st, 2023 at 6:06pm:
A couple guys here have always said the turkey style is not that bad. I think a lot of the stigma is just the fact so much of what RS said was so outlandish it tainted the idea of the turkey style as well. It looks ok to me. The only issue I have with styles where you hold the pouch and pull against it before throwing is you tend to release with varying resistance from one shot to the next which can be difficult for pinpoint accuracy. It's not the worst problem in the world but something to think about.
That being said I think the name fits. Everything Ive heard about turkey hunting is they have great eyesight and you would probably need a style that lets you get the shot off with very little movement and very quickly.
lobohunter wrote on Oct 7
th, 2023 at 3:29pm:
I have been recently experimenting the apache style with a baseball pitcher's Legg added in honestly no real success as of yet but it just dawned on me other day made me feel kinda stupid actually for not thinking of it sooner as I used to pitch in high school
If I ever get it down pat I'll make a video lol
Yeah that sounds good! Wouldn't mind seeing how it all turns out. Aside from some decade+ old videos I haven't seen a ton of Apache style.
Morphy wrote on Oct 22
nd, 2023 at 10:20am:
Well then you're really not going to like the newest style Ive come up with. The Drunken Wombat style. I will go to Ibizia next year and win with it.
And now I am truly terrified