
Slinging Rocks!
Posts: 2
Hello from Minnesota, USA. I’m new to slinging as of last November; an archeologist friend of mine got me interested when sharing some of his finds. Now I’m working with him to learn and write about how slings were used, specifically by Roman auxiliary troops, in the first century AD.
To better understand the art and science, I’ve made a few slings, some out of paracord and nylon webbing for the pouch, and several in the Balearic style out of sisal and hemp; they are getting better but not photo-worthy yet, based on the craftsmanship I’ve seen on display here! I’m working my way through the tutorial section, so looking forward to making the next ones and raising my game a little. I’m also practicing slinging, but will continue to stick with tennis balls in the interest of safety for those nearby.
Current curiosity: very interested in the external ballistics of sling ammunition, particularly bi-conical or ellipsoid shapes. I suspect that the act of slinging imparts spin to the projectile along the long axis, stabilizing it in flight, and that it flies point-first, much like an American football. This attitude in flight results in less aerodynamic drag (as compared with a sphere), increased range, and greater penetration at the target.
I’ll continue searching on the forum, but if anyone has related information that would validate (or correct) this view, such as slow-motion video of ellipsoid sling projectiles at release or in flight, related data or charts, or other links/pointers that would pass muster in an academic paper, that would be super helpful.
Looking forward to learning from the many talented and experienced slingers here! KM_Down