Rat Man
Yes, and there are so many actions one associates with smoking. Smoking while drinking alcohol or coffee, smoking after making whoopie, smoking after a good meal, smoking during a work break, smoking while doing a #2, etc., etc., etc... I quit countless times before it actually took for good. My mom and I quit on the same day; November 19, 1988. Sadly she didn't quit soon enough and eventually died of lung cancer. This is a little off topic but it's something that amazes me. One of the reasons I quit was the cost. This was back in 1988 mind you when they cost much less than they do today. Every poor person I know smokes. They live in crap, don't have enough money for decent food, to pay their bills, or for gas in the car but they always have cigarettes. They often can't afford a full pack so they sell each other "loosies" which are single cigarettes. Nicotine/tobacco addiction is as strong as any narcotic addiction.