Thanks for the input, Eino!
Definitely agree with you on that, Joe. I myself have been learning towards .org or .com for the domain.
As for the name, I am still deciding on that, however for handles and domain names I will probably end up doing, @slingingclub,, etc. (because I feel like it's very easy to remember, and very self-explanatory). (May change my mind on this)
As for the website, I plan on having a very simple one that essentially gives information about the club, how to join, possible fundraisers, activities/workshops, etc. I will definitely create a post with a general layout for the club sometime soon, and anyone can feel free to add their ideas!
I have a couple of friends who showed interest in joining the club, including some of my teachers haha. Additionally, I managed to essentially indoctrinate some young kids (family friends) into slinging, and their parents are going to be awaiting some further info about the club from me soon. I plan on hosting workshops for people of all age ranges regarding sling-making, but for younger kids I will probably stick to teaching them knots and simple single-strand slings.
I made a club-specific account on instagram (@slingingclub) which I will begin advertising/engaging more on, to draw more attention to the club (locally and online).
Thanks for your concern, I appreciate your enthusiasm and I will make sure to keep you updated