Hi everyone! Welcome to the new Sling Academy board! I created this board to help clear up some space in the General Slinging Discussion area. I also think it will helpful for there to be one place to find topics on sling making, how to perform certain slinging styles, pouch patterns, braiding tutorials, etc. Basically if the content is designed to teach someone how to do something related to slinging, this is the place for it! I think it’s best for instructions and tutorials regarding other weapons to continue to be put in the Other Primitive Weapons board. If anyone has other thoughts on that policy, please let me know.
So one of the big questions, how do we get stuff into this board?
- If you have a new tutorial video, or have written up instructions for something, just post it here instead of in the General Slinging Discussion.
- I’m going to move the FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS and Tutorials and PDF leather pouch templates from General Slinging to this board (this may have already been done by the time you’re reading this).
- If someone creates a new topic in the General Slinging Discussion that is a tutorial or instructional, I will likely send them a message and ask if there is any objection to it being moved to the Sling Academy board.
- If you posted a tutorial video or instructions in the in General Slinging Discussion at some point in the past and would like it moved to this board, just send me a message with the link to the topic and I’ll be happy to move it. Moving the topic is preferable to creating a new one because all the responses from other members will still be there. If you know you posted a tutorial at some point but can’t find it, hit me up on that as well and I’ll see if I can help.
Regarding the last point, I don’t think I’m going to actively start searching the General Slinging Discussion and moving instructional topics to the Sling Academy board. I don’t really want to do that unless the original poster of the content wants it to be moved. That might change. We’ll see how things go. I’m also open to other opinions on that if anyone has a thought they want to share.
I think that’s it for now. If anyone has any questions or thoughts on this new board, please reply to this post and let everyone know what you’re thinking.
Welcome to Sling Academy!