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Sling pass-around with Curious Aardvark's last sling (Read 9396 times)
Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

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Sling pass-around with Curious Aardvark's last sling
Apr 17th, 2023 at 2:08pm
I'm putting this topic here because if it does happen it will sort of be an "event".  I think the topic will also be easier to keep track of in this board.  And I say "if" it happens because that will be determined by interest.  There are two things that brought this idea to me, so here we go.

During the last SITH, CrazyBrave333 made a sling for CA.  But it never went to him because of CA's unfortunate passing.  CrazyBrave333 ended up sending the sling to me because I was his 'send to' partner.  The attached image is the sling.  Kevlar, seatbelt pouch design.

The second part of the idea came up a while ago in an Instagram conversations (I think).  The idea was to have a sling pass-around.  Basically a single sling would be sent from one forum member to the next until everyone who wants to use it has done so.

Because this sling is probably the last one ever made for CA during his life, I think it's appropriate for it to become the pass-around sling.  Here's my thought on how this would work:

  • When you receive the sling you should record some kind of video with it.  This doesn't need to be complex in any way.  It can be a single throw as a salute to CA, a balearic 10 ball round, a distance throw, a trick shot, whatever you want.  I'll go first since I currently have it.
  • Everyone who receives the sling can have it for approximately 2 weeks.  Then it's expected that you will send it to the next slinger.
  • Customization or modification of the sling is not allowed.  It's kevlar, so it should hold up fine against incidental damage.
  • Recorded videos can be uploaded here or posted to YouTube (or whatever).  If someone isn't on social media but would still like to participate, no problem.  You can record a video on your phone and make arrangements for me or another member to get the file, and we'll post it for you.  I would be happy to do so.
  • If there are no volunteers lined up to receive the sling next, it should be sent back to me.
  • There is no time limit on this.  As mentioned, I would like to get the sling back if no one else is lined up to receive it.  But if we get a bunch of people, it can circle the world indefinitely as far as I'm concerned.

That's probably enough for now.  Please let me know if anyone has interest in this, questions, other thoughts, etc.


Participants (a * indicates the participant is done and the sling has moved on)

Rat Man*
Archaic Arms* (Not sure if AA did a video or not. He was sort of pulled into this. We can keep an eye out.)
xud9a - call me zud
Practical Paracord

Video Links

joe_meadmaker: https://youtu.be/B4NgEBRA9OA
IronGoober: https://youtu.be/BEvOA9Kxwcw
Rat Man: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2g0cVwl3RA
NooneOfConsequence and Morphy: https://youtu.be/EImaFL68w1M
Mersa: https://youtu.be/iTDRyr80fDM
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« Last Edit: Nov 22nd, 2024 at 7:59pm by joe_meadmaker »  

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Interfector Viris Spurii

...and now, No. 1, the

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Re: Sling pass-around with Curious Aardvark's last sling
Reply #1 - Apr 17th, 2023 at 4:20pm
Love it. I'm in.

We can make a compilation at the "end".
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John R.
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Interfector Viris Spurii


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Re: Sling pass-around with Curious Aardvark's last sling
Reply #2 - Apr 17th, 2023 at 6:55pm
I’m keen too but obviously I’m in Australia so perhaps a little bit of a USA tour first.
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Razor glandes, Aim for the eyes!!!
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3287
Re: Sling pass-around with Curious Aardvark's last sling
Reply #3 - Apr 17th, 2023 at 8:53pm
Awesome guys!

IronGoober wrote on Apr 17th, 2023 at 4:20pm:
We can make a compilation at the "end".

I love this idea!

@Mersa - No worries brother.  It'll get to you!
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Rat Man
Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Sling pass-around with Curious Aardvark's last sling
Reply #4 - May 14th, 2023 at 9:27pm
  I would participate.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3287
Re: Sling pass-around with Curious Aardvark's last sling
Reply #5 - May 14th, 2023 at 11:16pm
@Rat Man - Awesome!

Sorry guys.  I've just been waiting to see if there was anyone else to jump in.  We've got a few now, so might as well get this started and see what happens!  The (un)official timer for my two week period will start right now.  I'll try to get something recorded this week and send the sling out next week.  Hopefully we'll get some other slingers lined up too.  I'm kind of excited about this.

IG will be up next.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3287
Re: Sling pass-around with Curious Aardvark's last sling
Reply #6 - May 22nd, 2023 at 5:51pm
Well....the first round ends in misfortune.  I was slinging stones at an old pot and the sling broke.  The pouch actually got pulled out from the wrapped cordage that was holding it in place. Huh

I don't really use seatbelt style slings, but I can't recall seeing that before.

And a second misfortune happened as well.  I didn't have the damn camera rolling.  I was having trouble getting a hit because I'm not used to the varying weights of random stones.  So I was on my third round when the sling broke.  And for some reason I forgot to start the recording.  I wish one of you guys was here.  I would have had you punch me right in the face for making such a dumb mistake.  I mean, it was a sling breaking and not a successful hit, so it wouldn't have been a great video.  But it would have been something.

So I'll probably be a little bit longer on my turn while I get some kevlar cord ordered and repair the sling.  Although now I'm a little worried about it holding together.  Has anyone ever used glue or something like that for added strength where the cords and pouch meet?  Also to note, some of the stones I was slinging were pretty big, but not to a crazy point.  I would guess most were between 100 and 200g.  A few may have been a little heavier, but not by much.
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Interfector Viris Spurii


Posts: 2615
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Re: Sling pass-around with Curious Aardvark's last sling
Reply #7 - May 22nd, 2023 at 6:10pm
Looks like it’s an easy repair.
If you really wrench down on the tie offs this shouldn’t happen.
New materials can be slippery but pure force will counter act that .

I had almost an identical sling from crazy brace .  I’m sure it’s not too bad if you just reuse the cord that’s on the release. . Should be enough there. Glue can help but I don’t use it personally.
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Razor glandes, Aim for the eyes!!!
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3287
Re: Sling pass-around with Curious Aardvark's last sling
Reply #8 - May 22nd, 2023 at 7:57pm
Oh yeah, I'm not concerned with the repair.  And I also don't think there was anything fundamentally wrong with the sling.  I think it was a weird fluke.

I ordered some kevlar.  I've been wanted to get some anyway.  The little piece for the tie is only about 7 inches long.  I'd be worried about getting it pulled down tight enough if trying to reuse it.  I bought a roll on Amazon so it should be here later this week and I can get back in business.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3287
Re: Sling pass-around with Curious Aardvark's last sling
Reply #9 - May 25th, 2023 at 9:32pm
Kevlar came in and the sling has been repaired.  I'll give it another try this weekend.  Hopefully the tie I made holds up and I can get a recording done.  And this thing can get on its way.

Also another update.  One if the things I listed in the first post is that the sling shouldn't be customized.  I'm removing that.  The sling has already been repaired and I also added a little bit of hemp on the finger loop to make it smaller (as can be seen in the last image).  It seems silly to restrict anyone from tweaking things a bit if they want too.  So have at it!
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Rat Man
Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

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New Jersey, USA
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Re: Sling pass-around with Curious Aardvark's last sling
Reply #10 - May 28th, 2023 at 4:54pm
joe_meadmaker wrote on May 22nd, 2023 at 5:51pm:
So I'll probably be a little bit longer on my turn while I get some kevlar cord ordered and repair the sling.  Although now I'm a little worried about it holding together.  Has anyone ever used glue or something like that for added strength where the cords and pouch meet?  Also to note, some of the stones I was slinging were pretty big, but not to a crazy point.  I would guess most were between 100 and 200g.  A few may have been a little heavier, but not by much.

  Your repair is complete and I'm sure it's fine but yes, when making a Seatbelt Sling I always use glue on the whipping that holds the cords to the pouch.  Usually I use a hot glue gun because I have a tendency to glue myself when I use a super glue but super glue works just fine too. 
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Interfector Viris Spurii

...and now, No. 1, the

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Re: Sling pass-around with Curious Aardvark's last sling
Reply #11 - May 28th, 2023 at 10:39pm
Hmm. I don't usually glue the whipping and haven't had any issue with it coming loose, but I haven't put a TON of shots through them either, and all of my seatbelt slings are usually for distance, so they don't have a huge amount of force on them.  Glad you could repair it, Joe.
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John R.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3287
Re: Sling pass-around with Curious Aardvark's last sling
Reply #12 - May 29th, 2023 at 9:37pm
The whipping didn't come loose.  The pouch was literally just pulled out from under it.  Really weird occurrence.

Either way, our first entry is in!


IronGoober was the next call, so the sling will be on its way to him this week.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3287
Re: Sling pass-around with Curious Aardvark's last sling
Reply #13 - May 31st, 2023 at 9:28am
And we're underway!  The sling was just dropped off at the post office and on its way to IG.

I'm going to add two lists to the first post.  A list of everyone who is participating, and another one for the video links.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

...and now, No. 1, the

Posts: 1716
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Re: Sling pass-around with Curious Aardvark's last sling
Reply #14 - Jun 4th, 2023 at 5:36pm
@Joe, where did you get your kevlar cord to repair it....same thing happened to me!! Except this time it was the release cord that came off.
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John R.
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(Moderators: Chris, LightSlinger, Mauro Fiorentini, Masiakasaurus, Rat Man, Bill Skinner, Curious Aardvark)