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How to? --> Slinging re-creation for kids play (Read 575 times)

Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 1
How to? --> Slinging re-creation for kids play
Mar 8th, 2023 at 2:01pm
Hi, I have never swung before, but I have a question for this group!

I was wanting to re-create the david vs goliath scene for a kids play and thought i could teach my 12 yr old how to swing in order to really captivate the crown. Would any of you think it possible (and safe) to re-create this using a ping pong ball or some other safe soft object at 20-25 ft?  any advice is welcome!
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Interfector Viris Spurii


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Re: How to? --> Slinging re-creation for kids play
Reply #1 - Mar 8th, 2023 at 4:50pm
Dryer wool balls are the best “safe ammo”
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

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Re: How to? --> Slinging re-creation for kids play
Reply #2 - Mar 8th, 2023 at 5:59pm
You can roll a sock up into a ball.  If you have a gray sock, it will also look like a big stone.  Smiley
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Slinging.org Moderator

Posts: 2985
Re: How to? --> Slinging re-creation for kids play
Reply #3 - Mar 11th, 2023 at 3:26pm

There’s a lot of these around.  Dryer balls like this are slightly bigger than a tennis ball.  You can roll the dryer ball  back and forth to elongate it so it’s more egg shaped rather than spherical too.

As far as learning to sling… set up a target that’s roughly the size and distance you want in the reenactment, and then there needs to be LOTSof practice. You should learn alongside your 12yo so you can help them figure it out, and of course we can help you out in the forums too!
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“My final hour is at hand. We face an enemy more numerous and cunning than the world has yet seen. Remember your training, and do not fear the hordes of Judas. I, without sin, shall cast the first stone. That will be your sign to attack! But you shall not fight this unholy enemy with stones. No! RAZOR GLANDES!  Aim for the eyes! May the Lord have mercy, for we shall show none!“  -Jesus the Noodler
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Slinging rocks with bad

Posts: 248
Re: How to? --> Slinging re-creation for kids play
Reply #4 - Mar 14th, 2023 at 4:12pm
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« Last Edit: Jan 2nd, 2024 at 2:35am by Blindsquirrel »  
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