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Southern United States Slinging (Read 1514 times)

Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 22
Southern United States Slinging
Sep 29th, 2022 at 2:33pm
Would anyone here want to try to plan out a sling competition somewhere here in the states? I've been looking for one to go to but most of them that I can find are in Europe
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Rat Man
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Southern United States Slinging
Reply #1 - Sep 29th, 2022 at 3:28pm
   I like the idea but right now travel is difficult for me.  I have three dogs and live by myself.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

...and now, No. 1, the

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Re: Southern United States Slinging
Reply #2 - Sep 29th, 2022 at 4:54pm
The hardest part is finding a good location and someone willing to take point on organizing. It is definitely of interest to a lot of people on here.
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John R.
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Southern United States Slinging
Reply #3 - Sep 29th, 2022 at 7:46pm
The Southern US is crawling with slingers (relatively), the problem is organizing.
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Slinging rocks with bad

Posts: 247
Re: Southern United States Slinging
Reply #4 - Sep 29th, 2022 at 9:13pm
What would b cool is if the location had enough space that a main walking path could b setup with shooting lanes running off of that main trail with varying sized targets at various distances. Kind of like some of the 3d archery ranges or slingshot shooting ranges. There could b backstops to catch ammo or if there was a source of natural clay on the property, could have guest make clay bullets to replace the ones they shot during their visit. That way they also have the experience of making clay ammo and there is always ammo ready for use. Targets could b metal cut into different shapes and sizes, and hung so that they rang when hit.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

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Re: Southern United States Slinging
Reply #5 - Sep 29th, 2022 at 10:24pm
I'll add a +1 to what IronGoober and Hirtius have said.  I think there is interest.  But the big issue is that someone in the area (where the whole thing will happen) needs to handle finding a place and getting things set up.  Many people don't have the free time to do it.
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Interfector Viris Spurii


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Re: Southern United States Slinging
Reply #6 - Oct 3rd, 2022 at 5:38pm
I’ve wanted to hold a sling fest in Australia for a while now . I’ve looked into lots of the accomodation and transport stuff and it’s very possible but it’s not gonna be cheap for everyone to get here .

Sling Golf
Standard targets
Aerial clay targets
Trickshot games
Distance slinging into ocean
Distance slinging measured
Small game sling hunting
Braiding tutorials
Clay bullet tutorials
Safe sling war

There’s so many possibilities but it’s time effort and money.
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Razor glandes, Aim for the eyes!!!
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3272
Re: Southern United States Slinging
Reply #7 - Oct 3rd, 2022 at 10:48pm
You forgot one Mersa.  The gigantic that's-way-to-heavy sling projectile contest.  Cheesy

And don't worry.  I'll bring the slings.  Wink
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Southern United States Slinging
Reply #8 - Oct 4th, 2022 at 6:55am
Yeah, having done this in three countries now, there are several main issues.

1) if you build it, they will NOT come.
No matter how many say they will, when it comes down to making the effort to actually go somewhere, most just won't bother.

2) it must be held in private land. Otherwise event insurance will be insane.
On private land you can get people to sign their lives away in a 'not our fault' agreement.

So those are the main negatives

What does work is actually much easier than setting up an event from scratch.

Find an existing event and latch on

The most successful events held in the UK have been at the bushmoot in Wales.
Bushcrafters take to slinging like a dead rabbit to a firepit.

So places you could successfully run a slinging event.

In the states, my first choice would be at a renfaire, we don't have them in the UK - but from what I've seen they would be perfect for a slinging workshop and competition setup.

Bushcrafting events.
These are perfect and if proposed correctly you could even get paid to run sling making and using workshops.
Survivalist events, pretty much just the us, but definitely worth looking into.
You'd probably need to pack some razor glandes Wink
Or just take Joe and some big rocks Wink

But setting something up from scratch, is expensive, thankless and incredibly time consuming.

The thing about pep Ribas Ribas, is that he's a born politician and somehow manages to get local government sponsorship. Also lives somewhere where slinging is culturally important.

The rest of us are on our own.

So find an existing local event, preferable one that lasts several days and piggy back if it.
Longer events are better as you'll need to have sling making workshops and sling usage workshops, leading to a final competition.

If you can do this several years running, you will build up a core if slingers who can help with the workshops and gradually expand the scope of the slinging events.

Dave's been running sling classes at bushmoot for a few years now.
I took a target down one year and taught them to make sockballs, which led to running battles throughout the camp.
I think I even made back my petrol money in sling making materials.
One of these days,Ill go back.
Although given the current cost of fuel, I doubt I'll ever break even again.

There used to be a big bushcraft event just down the road, but just never managed to get any response from the organisers and it's now moved to Milton Keynes.

Just bear in mind that you will most likely be limited to tennis balls for target slinging and sock balls for interpersonal combat.
Anything else will require insurance, and if you can get it for using Rock's with slings - the cost will be eye watering.
Tennis balls, never seem to need anything.
Just be grateful that people have no idea how hard sling thrown tennis balls can hit !
I dont - personally - consider tennis balls safe for interpersonal battles.
Fortunately people who've never seen slings in action, don't realise and generally have no objections to using tennis balls.

I've used sockballs in mass battles between: scouts, young farmers and bushcrafters - they are proven injury proof ammo Smiley
They also fly further and straighter than tennis balls.

As far as events in Oz go
I have not a clue.
But I would imagine there are bushcrafting events, it seems a popular worldwide movement at the moment.

But to sum up, my main advice is to not try and do everything yourself.

In 2007, we built, probably the best sling range ever made on George's land in Wyoming.
5 people turned up.
Fortunately one of them was Larry bray', made it worth it for me Smiley

I held an event on private land in the uk in 2008, and about 16 people showed, which was a good number.

With the increase in YouTube videos and the larger group of people aware of slinging, theoretically, you should get larger numbers.
But I very much doubt it.

You will get more people at bushcraft events who have heard of slinging, but also more people who think they know what they are talking about, and really don't lol

So that'll make life fun Wink
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Do All things with Honour and Generosity: Regret Nothing, Envy None, Apologise Seldom and Bow your head to No One  - works for me Smiley
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Curious Aardvark
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Midlands England
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Re: Southern United States Slinging
Reply #9 - Oct 4th, 2022 at 7:54am
So to answer based crusaders original question.

If you want to attend a sling event, you will most likely need to put it on yourself.

Happy to help where I can, but have no doubts you will need to do all the heavy lifting yourself.

The main problem is simply that everyone wants to go to a slinging event, but nobody wants to put one on and very few people will attend somewhere that's further than walking distance from their house.

And walking distance in the states is about 100yards for many.

Now a drive-thru sling event, that might work...

Don't get me wrong, I don't regret doing any of the events, and when circumstances are better, I'll definitely do it again.

Just don't expect the majority who'll say they'll come, to actually turn up.

What I would do these days, is have an attendance fee, to cover onsite portaloos, food, beverages, slings and slinging supplies etc.
And only actually commit to the final event when you had enough people pay up front to cover costs.

Make sure the money is refundable if you don't get enough attendees, but also make sure they pay up front.

I'm not trying to discourage anybody, just pointing out the realities of the situation.
I've built and run and attended slinging events in probably more countries than anyone else in the history of the world.
With the possible exception of Roman de la Cruz, who might have me pipped on country attendance Smiley
Believe me, I do know whereof I speak Smiley
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« Last Edit: Oct 4th, 2022 at 9:10am by Curious Aardvark »  

Do All things with Honour and Generosity: Regret Nothing, Envy None, Apologise Seldom and Bow your head to No One  - works for me Smiley
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Interfector Viris Spurii

where be a rock and a
string there be a sling

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Re: Southern United States Slinging
Reply #10 - Oct 11th, 2022 at 10:29am
Great advice about adding on to another event. C.A
I accidentally did that years ago at a feral gathering
Taught a work shop on a  on slinging
By the end of the event I  I was privileged to watch fifty people sling in the same direction down the Tennessee river.
And for the first time I really understood how scary it would have been on the other side of the Roman slingers
Branches breaking off trees in the air. The river churned with splashing rocks
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Albert Scott C bigbadwolf41 77940+hwy+99+south,+Spc+22  
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Take me out to the ball

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Northeast Florida
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Re: Southern United States Slinging
Reply #11 - Oct 12th, 2022 at 5:31pm
Okay, I'm in Jacksonville. Let's get started. Where are you?
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Cleveland Rocks!
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Take me out to the ball

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Northeast Florida
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Re: Southern United States Slinging
Reply #12 - Oct 12th, 2022 at 5:32pm
By the way, I mostly sl7ng sporting spheres like baseballs,golf balls and tennis balls. Wink
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Cleveland Rocks!
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Curious Aardvark
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Taller than the average

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Midlands England
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Re: Southern United States Slinging
Reply #13 - Oct 25th, 2022 at 7:21am
Bet you could get some really interesting trick shots by slinging at the Ramps in a skate park
Tennis balls, obviously, you don't want to damage anything.
But would be fun, almost like crazy golf, but with slings Smiley
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Do All things with Honour and Generosity: Regret Nothing, Envy None, Apologise Seldom and Bow your head to No One  - works for me Smiley
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