What's a Jamaican trifle ?
Well given that I haven't eaten a donut for three years
I'd have to start with tim Hortons entire donut range.
Not the pathetic selection they have in the UK, but the full Canadian offering
Then I'd have the seafood meal me and Dave had in Mallorca a few years back, just as a fish course, you understand.
Main course, hmm.
Probably a whole roast duck with orange sauce and butter cooked peas.
For dessert, a whole lemon layer pudding.
I mean I'm dead, so I'm not diabetic anymore or going to get fat and die
Gluttony is the order of the day !
And if you're wondering about the meal in Mallorca.
Dave had the mixed platter and I had a huge chunk of halibut. Then there was all the stuff we didn't order, but they kept bringing out anyway !
Mine and Dave's main courses below