Thanks guys!
Slyngorm wrote on Jul 25
th, 2022 at 4:51pm:
Perhaps a pirouette throw would spare your wrists?
Pirouette is a style I still haven't practiced enough to be any good with (unfortunately).
But there's actually no problem for the wrists. The glove with a built-in wrist strap is very helpful. But the real savior is the two-handed slinging technique. It's difficult to explain how much that helps with slinging really heavy stuff. It does such a great job of distributing energy over the wrists, elbows, and shoulders that I've never had an issue when using it. The only thing to be careful of is lower back. If anyone ever wants to try this, keep that core tight until the projectile is long gone. And definitely start with stuff that isn't too heavy and work up.
Oh, Halloween...
Wonder how far I could sling a 20 lb. pumpkin.