Duckhands wrote on May 22
nd, 2022 at 1:01pm:
Well guys, a huge reason for creating the group is, so more people will be able to get involved. I have kept it as open so that we can get members to join from all walks. Not just people from the forum. I intend to set it to private once the group grows a bit, that way we can keep spam bots out etc. However, it is almost impossible to grow a group on Facebook if you set it to private off the start. Myself personally. If my family and friends can see my posts it doesn't bother me. If anything it will help add members. Which is the goal here guys. I am not trying to be coming across any kind of negative way either. I started this group to get more exposure to slinging in general. I can understand wanting the group private once it reaches a certain size, but it isn't like we are self incriminating on these posts so the more who sees the better. That is just my opinion as it is now though. I am not saying my mind can't be changed either. I just don't understand why anyone would be bothered by family or friends seeing a hobby we love? Again not trying to be rude, just trying to understand. Thanks guys. I want the group to be comfortable for you guys, but still want to attract new members who may have never google searched sling related things, to find the forum.
I think the reason it hasn't become an illegal activity yet is because it is so unknown. The more people kmow about it, the more people who shouldn't be doing it engage in it and ruin ot for rest of us. I thought the FB group would have more been for people here who aren't as active due to the oldschool format and inconvenient layout. Also this group doesn't have any attachment to personally idenrifying details. Slinging is a bit of a grey area legally in Australia too. It isn't listed as a weapon on AFP prohibited weapons list, but it also isn't something I would openly admit to a police officer that I possessed and used.
I understand your sentiment, I just personally am not comfortable with friends and family seeing my posts. I'll probably just stick with the forum here rather than engage too much in the FB group. Just my two cents 😊