The arcade stuff is doing my head in.
Just won't recognise the controller properly. Joystick works perfectly, but not a one of the buttons is recognised.
And yet in the bog standard windows 'press a button on your controller' everything perfect.
I have a utility that emulates a xbox controller but with an arcade joystick setup - so that's probably my next move as I'm pretty sure the bloody arcade stuff is using thr crappy windows 10 xbox controller crap.
Then there is the issue with the screens lol
If I launch a consoile game (with my bluetooth keyboard) it plays in a small box on the main screen.
If I launch a mame game, the main screen goes black and it plays on the backscreen. (cos that's technically screen 1).
Pretty much the exact opposite of what I actually want it to do.
I'd settle for everything playing on the main screen.
Yet the menu works perfectly, with the videos on the main screen and the marque image on the backscreen.
I think I'll test the waters and see if anyone on ebay wants to buy the laptop base.
Looking around, it should be worth £3-400 minimum. its only 4 years old and was pretty much the best thing hp made in an ultralight at the time.
More if i throw in the usbc monitor adaptor.
With that i can buy a decent (well affordably decent - say £200, should get me a 1030ti) graphics card and use the system i originally built.
What i'll lose in processing power I'd gain in graphics performance.
And also I'd get the 12volt power headers for the solenoids.
So I've been looking at cabinet art.
Pretty much decided on this one (see pic).
I've got to load photoshop on this machine to edit it.
It'll need sizing and shaping for my cabinet and I'd like the text Larger, and maybe some lightning bolts in there somewhere (maybe not lol).
But it should look well smart