Can't believe it's that time of year again.
12 months has just flashed past.
An interesting year in the slinging world.
Dave's videos have spread the slinging gospel far and wide, just a damn shame he's not getting paid for them.
But he's brought a lot of new blood into the fold.
So before we do anything else, raise a glass and drink a toast to David Morningstar, the slinging world's very own gandalf and a man whose staff very definitely has a knob on the end
The international broke new ground.
The first one without a British competitor and the first one with an American competitor and the first one solely based in Ibiza.
Congratulations to my mate Uwe for an unprecedentrd trophy haul.
Schlingel ho !
There's been some truly innovative sling and ammo designs on the forum this year, some of them actually of practical use
Which is unusual
Kick and Nooc started the first ever slinging podcast, which seems to be going well, all power to their microphones !
Covid's still refusing to piss off and die, but if we all keep getting jabbed, with luck and a following wind, at some point things will return to some semblance of normality.
There have been deaths among members families this year.
Our sympathy goes to all who have lost loved ones.
Christmas is a particularly tough time of year.
All I can say, is to use Christmas to remember and celebrate the lives of those who have left us
A death is over in an instant, but a person's life will live forever in our memories and should be celebrated at every opportunity.
On a personal level, I'm sat here on Christmas Eve, I've yet to wrap a single present (nothing new there).
I have cured and cooked the boxing day ham, smoked, salmon and trout, made gravad lax, Christmas sausages and wrapped the pigs in their blankets.
You know, the important stuff
It's been a pretty decent year, like always there have been ups and downs, but on balance, more ups than downs.
Myself and my family are going into the new year with our health mostly intact.
What more can you ask ?
So as I've got to go get some Chritmas eve fish and chips, all that's left is to wish you all a happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous new year
From myself and all of us at
May the future hold all that you desire and the past hold nothing but good memories
The Curious Aardvark