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Sling & Stone vs. Fencing Mask (Read 1308 times)
Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

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Sling & Stone vs. Fencing Mask
Dec 22nd, 2021 at 9:54am
First thing, thanks to Thearos for sparking this idea.  He mentioned wearing a fencing mask to protect the face in the Stone vs. Shield topic I created when I posted that video.

The title is pretty much self explanatory.  I set up a fencing mask and sling some stones at it.  Jaegoor has posted images of damage done to helmets.  This is a slightly different take on the same idea.  Enjoy!

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Re: Sling & Stone vs. Fencing Mask
Reply #1 - Dec 22nd, 2021 at 11:08am
i thought you'd wear it
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Slinging.org Moderator


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Re: Sling & Stone vs. Fencing Mask
Reply #2 - Dec 22nd, 2021 at 1:52pm
MikeG wrote on Dec 22nd, 2021 at 11:08am:
i thought you'd wear it

Probably good he didnt.  Wink

Good vid Joe. I expected more damage actually. It was stronger than I thought.
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3287
Re: Sling & Stone vs. Fencing Mask
Reply #3 - Dec 22nd, 2021 at 2:38pm
Morphy wrote on Dec 22nd, 2021 at 1:52pm:
MikeG wrote on Dec 22nd, 2021 at 11:08am:
i thought you'd wear it

Probably good he didnt.  Wink

Before the test: Disappointed the mask doesn't fit  Sad
After the test: Overjoyed the mask didn't fit  Cheesy

Morphy wrote on Dec 22nd, 2021 at 1:52pm:
I expected more damage actually. It was stronger than I thought.

I think a big part of that was the head and mask being able to move.  I think if it was fixed in position, the damage would have been a lot worse.

But building on that, let's imagine the mask did protect the head and face.  There was such a violent movement from the impact, I can't imagine what kind of neck trauma that might have caused.

I actually had the whole video exported and ready for uploading, but when I was doing a final review I watched the impact in slow motion to see what it looked like.  As soon as I did that, I was like, "Crap!  Now I have to go back, add a slow motion segment of the hit, and export the video again."  I think it was worth it though.  Should have thought of that when I was first cutting things together.
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Interfector Viris Spurii


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Re: Sling & Stone vs. Fencing Mask
Reply #4 - Dec 23rd, 2021 at 1:43am
As soon as that shot  entered your power stroke I knew it was gonna be a hit .
Great video
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Re: Sling & Stone vs. Fencing Mask
Reply #5 - Dec 23rd, 2021 at 4:13am
Ouch! It looks like the edge of the mask "caught" the stone and the energy pulled the mask round. I guess if that edge wasn't there and it was just curved mesh, it might have glanced off more. The mesh cutting into the head is horrible, that would be a lot of blood. Awesome video!
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You are a great guy Kick but also slightly scary at times. - Morphy
"Nothing matters, but it’s perhaps more comfortable to keep calm and not interfere with other people." - H.P. Lovecraft, in a letter to Frank Belknap Long, 7 October, 1923
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Slinging.org Moderator

Posts: 2993
Re: Sling & Stone vs. Fencing Mask
Reply #6 - Dec 23rd, 2021 at 4:47pm
Oof!  Nice shot Joe!

It definitely reinforces the argument that it wouldn’t matter if Goliath had been wearing bronze armor when David struck him in the forehead. In my unprofessional medical opinion I’d say it’s enough to render someone unconscious if not dead.
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“My final hour is at hand. We face an enemy more numerous and cunning than the world has yet seen. Remember your training, and do not fear the hordes of Judas. I, without sin, shall cast the first stone. That will be your sign to attack! But you shall not fight this unholy enemy with stones. No! RAZOR GLANDES!  Aim for the eyes! May the Lord have mercy, for we shall show none!“  -Jesus the Noodler
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Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Ice is Cool!

Posts: 3287
Re: Sling & Stone vs. Fencing Mask
Reply #7 - Dec 23rd, 2021 at 11:10pm
Mersa wrote on Dec 23rd, 2021 at 1:43am:
As soon as that shot  entered your power stroke I knew it was gonna be a hit .

I believe you are one of a few who could spot such a thing.  I had several throws that I thought looked good, but the hit was just a little bit off.  When I released the last one, it was pretty much the same.  First thought was, "That looks good".  Half a second later, "Got it!".

@Kick - You could be correct.  But I think it's more likely the stone made its dent in the metal, and then used that "cup" to push the mask around.  The edge of the mask that holds the metal wire is very thin.  Probably only a couple millimeters thick.  I think if the stone was catching on that, it would have been a hit similar to the first small impact I had, and kind of just bumped it out of the way.

@NOOC - Yeah man, you could very well be right.  There's just so many variables.  Way more than I would have expected to encounter when I started playing around with impact tests.  Weight of the stone, velocity, what the material being impacted is, how much will the target move to absorb the force, the angle of impact, etc.  I can say one thing though.  There isn't a helmet I'm aware of that I would agree to wear and get hit in the head with a stone from a sling.

Not without going to crazy extremes anyway.  If the helmet is a 1/4" steel plate with a foot of jello for padding, bring it on!  Grin
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Archaic Arms

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Posts: 733
Re: Sling & Stone vs. Fencing Mask
Reply #8 - Dec 24th, 2021 at 5:19pm
I'm with you, certainly wouldn't want to get hit in the face with that on! I used to practice with a very similar setup, but with tennis and squash balls that didn't cause it to cave in! Interesting test.
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Sling & Stone vs. Fencing Mask
Reply #9 - Dec 30th, 2021 at 11:49am
joes neighbours:

elmer:'he's out there again'
zetal: 'he trying to kill hisself agin ?'
elmer: 'nope, he's gone and cut someone's head clean off and put some kind of gimp mask on it'
zetal: 'that boy sure is weird.'
elmer: ' yep.'
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Do All things with Honour and Generosity: Regret Nothing, Envy None, Apologise Seldom and Bow your head to No One  - works for me Smiley
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Stones in the horizon

Posts: 1521
Re: Sling & Stone vs. Fencing Mask
Reply #10 - Dec 30th, 2021 at 12:55pm
That's exactly the kind of tests / videos I like!
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Take that

Posts: 3417
Re: Sling & Stone vs. Fencing Mask
Reply #11 - Jan 5th, 2022 at 9:11pm
Awesome power in the throw, very smooth style
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