Mersa wrote on May 24
th, 2022 at 8:12am:
I think using the normal scoring system shows more of the round
League 1: 5*2+
Could be.
But I do like the Diana only thing for use in different areas.
A Diana is much more portable than a whole target.
Well in this case, anything that is not a 'diana' is a miss.
Could have a system that ranks your best stats for the full Balearic target, but it's very restrictive. Anyone that wants to use stones would have real problems lugging around that giant, 1/1/4" thick plywood board. You'd have to have your own range.
But I think Diana on it's own is better for this, as hitting it is a precise and practical shot. You wouldn't get one point for a near miss at a charging hoplite, other than one spear point...