So this bubbled up as a result of this thread: idea is that a simple ranking system could be established by having a sub 1" coin (say US quarter or UK 10p coins for example) and having it set up at an interval of 10yds. Video proof of hitting the coin at the given interval earns you that rank.
I'm currently thinking something akin to a star system would be best, with 10yds being 1 star, 20yds 2 stars, 30yds 3 stars, and so on.
50 or so yards seems to be the point where the coin starts to become difficult to see, so it naturally acts as a range-cap. With the target being a coin, the setup should also be very compact and cost effective, in contrast to Balearic targets that are heavy, awkward, and potentially expensive.
The rules are that the projectiles cannot be larger than a certain size, and some proof of the distance is required. (we can discuss what these should be)
Filming of the hit can be achieved by videoing through a monocular (or better, a range-finder), and because these are not extended ranges, even cheap equipment should suffice.
Please express your ideas and opinions so that we can come up with something that's simple and works.