my thought is if the balearics used wide leather strap slings or big cloth slings, then maybe achaeans used 3 narrow and thin leather straps sewn together, not side by side but one over the other, so they become less pliant.
or the achaeans used y slings.
AncientCraftwork wrote on Sep 28
th, 2021 at 5:26pm:
Round cords, compared to flat thongs. But what strikes me as odd is that I can't place this model of sling as being special, it must have been used by other nations right? It's not like the Achaeans invented cordage.
it is just a text that survived, we don't know how attached to a design people were. He is talking about 100 slingers maybe there was even variation in the design of each individual.
But if a design is objectively superior it is going to be adapted by most, I think that becomes clear with lead ammo.
Maybe their superiority is in casting lead because not all slings are good for that. Overall I dont think the slings were extraordinary but the slingers.