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Optimum Sling Length/Arm Length (Read 134 times)
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Slinging Rocks!

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Optimum Sling Length/Arm Length
Sep 15th, 2021 at 7:34am
Is there an optimum sling length for a given arm length? 

I'm thinking that there is for trebuchets, but I can't remember where I've seen it discussed.  The arm/sling is, after all,  the "meat" inspiration for that device, especially the staff-sling.
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Re: Optimum Sling Length/Arm Length
Reply #1 - Sep 15th, 2021 at 2:52pm
I've seen it most often said that "the way" to measure a sling for a person is to hold there arm out to the side. The sling pouch should be about 2cm or so off the ground. I've also heard the sling should measure (folded) from the hand to the opposite shoulder. I think both those methods lead to about the same length sling. Now, this goes completely out the window with slings from certain cultures. Tibetan slings are MASSIVE, as are South American. Really, it comes down to each individual and the style they feel most comfortable with. I think those first two methods are a good starting point, but really experimentation is the answer.
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Interfector Viris Spurii


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Re: Optimum Sling Length/Arm Length
Reply #2 - Sep 15th, 2021 at 7:49pm
My guess is it’s such a complicated relationship between all factors  like ammo, length, speed etc that there’s no correct answer only clear wrong ones. Like kick said experimentation is probably the easiest way to find a length you like
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Optimum Sling Length/Arm Length
Reply #3 - Oct 17th, 2021 at 10:59pm
Kick wrote on Sep 15th, 2021 at 2:52pm:
I've seen it most often said that "the way" to measure a sling for a person is to hold there arm out to the side. The sling pouch should be about 2cm or so off the ground.

For me, I tend to prefer a minimal clearance of the pouch from the ground, but I have been curious about a mathematical formula for the sling arm ratio that takes in speed, power, accuracy and comfort.  Comfort because I sling best when I am relaxed. 

This isn't necessarily for me, (because I tend to do what I want Smiley but rather when I advise others for sling making.  I somewhat regularl teach slinging and sling making at outdoor skills gatherings.
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Slinging.org Administrator

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Re: Optimum Sling Length/Arm Length
Reply #4 - Oct 18th, 2021 at 8:57pm
This is kind of a rehash of things that have been said, but I don't think the question of an optimal sling length to arm length is answerable unless certain things are known and fixed.  Some things that come to mind are the material the sling is made of (including physical factors such as thickness), the size and weight of the projectiles being thrown, and the intention of the throw (short range target, long range, distance slinging, etc.).  I think as soon as any of these criteria are changed, the optimum sling/arm ratio will change.

But just going for a basic starting point, I think a short distance off the ground works well as a quick measurement method to give to beginners.  I'm right in the mentioned range.  My favorite sling hang about 1/2 inch off the ground when I hold it at my side.  Anywhere within an inch or two of that works for me just fine.
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Curious Aardvark

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Re: Optimum Sling Length/Arm Length
Reply #5 - Oct 23rd, 2021 at 9:48am
yeah for an edc sling I tend to have it an inch or so off the ground.
But shorter for target shooting - as balearic targets are so close.
And longer for distance.

Also I'm short with short arms and really wider shoulders, short legs and a long back.

sort of a short armed troll or tolkein dwarf kinda shape.
So my sling lengths are probably different to everybody else lol
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Lightning Jack
Ex Member

Re: Optimum Sling Length/Arm Length
Reply #6 - Oct 25th, 2021 at 10:39pm
What I have found is that the length of the sling when it is open should be the same length as your wingspan
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Slinging.org Moderator

Posts: 2993
Re: Optimum Sling Length/Arm Length
Reply #7 - Oct 26th, 2021 at 11:47am
Not to be pedantic… well ok, no. Let’s just be pedantic Grin

“Optimal” is the wrong word. It implies that there is no more opportunity for improvement. Winspan, height off the floor, etc… these are all rules of thumb for where to start, not where to stop. Optimizing the length from there will be an arduous task requiring the detailed study of many factors that are interrelated to the sling length.
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