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Any country that values freedom over safety? (Read 14229 times)
Lightning Jack
Ex Member

Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #60 - Oct 4th, 2021 at 11:16am
@ratman: when they made the vaccines for all of those other diseases they never forced anyone to receive them, also those vaccines were made differently than the COVID vaccines. I don’t know about you but I really don’t want to be injected with a vaccine that is made aborted baby parts. And if any government really cares about people dying why don’t they outlaw abortion? Also COVID is less as dangerous than the common cold, I’ve already had it three times, each time I had it, it was just a little cough and runny nose and in a few days I was better. Just stop watching tv or any sort of news and look at reality. If you or anyone else wants to take the vaccines I won’t stop you, just don’t force it on other people. One of my coworkers knows someone in their forty’s that got the vaccine and had a stroke from it and almost died.
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Rat Man
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #61 - Oct 4th, 2021 at 4:37pm
    When I was a child we weren't allowed to attend public school without our vaccinations.  When I joined the army in 1975 I was forced to get the Swine Flu vaccine.  So yes, we were forced.  So you are wrong.  As for the rest of your statement, it's just too idiotic to comment on. I wouldn't know where to start.
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Rat Man
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #62 - Oct 4th, 2021 at 4:41pm
Sarosh wrote on Oct 4th, 2021 at 9:00am:
Rat Man wrote on Oct 4th, 2021 at 8:43am:
No one has the right to spread disease.

apparently there are no rights at all so no right to spread disease also

   Freedom is an illusion.  If you want to be free you have to live in the woods by yourself, off the grid and far from other people. We haven't been free since we were Hunter/Gatherers.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 1183
Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #63 - Oct 4th, 2021 at 5:11pm
Safety is an illusion 
Rat Man wrote on Oct 4th, 2021 at 4:41pm:
Freedom is an illusion.

or everybody is free until he gets caught. All I want is less restriction on everything, history proves there is nothing good coming out of it. and notice I prefer to move than fight/enforce my ideas. wouldn't you prefer if you were in a country full of people with the same sentiments as you? I know I would.

Rat Man wrote on Oct 4th, 2021 at 4:41pm:
If you want to be free you have to live in the woods by yourself, off the grid and far from other people. We haven't been free since we were Hunter/Gatherers.

this is the topic of this thread. Is there a place that I can go and live like a hunter gatherer? or a place with less restrictions from its rulers in comparison to the rest of the world?
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Lightning Jack
Ex Member

Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #64 - Oct 4th, 2021 at 6:16pm
@ratman: but were you forced to go to public school or forced to join the army? No. They are trying to force everyone to get it. Once they can do that they could force you to do pretty much anything. The United States is really starting to look a lot like Nazi Germany with a bit of communism mixed in, with Furher Joe Biden of the Forth Reich as it’s puppet leader. He’s prolly being injected with meth and cocaine to even function just like Hitler. Except instead of killing Jews there is child sacrifice (abortion) instead. And it is happening worldwide not just the U.S.A.
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Interfector Viris Spurii


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Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #65 - Oct 4th, 2021 at 6:33pm
Wow this thread is a mine field.

Thread carefully
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Razor glandes, Aim for the eyes!!!
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #66 - Oct 4th, 2021 at 10:21pm
I really find this,as annoying as interesting Covid as killed a lot of people like it or not measures have to be placed to safeguard people and beside those poor souls that are not longer with us there is a good number of survivors who are scarred for life I wish I had the option of vaccine before, now is too late for me,  I was a chef with a family of 7 a 14 hours a day for 5 days job at times used those free days to work a second job, outdoors enthusiast, love to hike ,bushcraft, fishing and hunt and used to share all this with my kids all of this a the age of 52 in March 2020 UK went into lock down the government knew way back in January about covid did nothing because elections. In November  I got infected spent over a week in hospital to this day never fully recovered I have no balance so I use a walking stick in and out of the house,no stamina and chronic fatigue,I now use a CPAP machine during the day as well as night time due to poor lungs ,they discovered some brain damage too, average one hospital visit a week, no longer have a wage I relay on the welfare system ( something that I find humiliating I always worked for my keep)  Today after being ill for the last 4 weeks I returned to neurophysio rehab only to learn that there is no fixing I live the life of a 90 yo I just hope and wish that whatever posture you may have about Covid and freedom this don't ever happen to any of you
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Interfector Viris Spurii

...and now, No. 1, the

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Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #67 - Oct 4th, 2021 at 11:24pm
@Sassa  I'm very sorry that you had to endure that. I've been fortunate to have a job that has kept me out of harms way. (and I happily got the vaccine as soon as I could, as did the rest of my family)

@lightningJack Please don't jump to using such hyperbole (i.e. Hitler).  One can draw parallels between just about any government on Earth and Hitler if they so choose to try and demonize a particular government. It's not constructive.

As far as the argument for abortion... I think it is playing God, in either case, to decide when a person has a soul or when to call them an actual person. One could slide to one extreme and call it mass murder for a man to masturbate. Millions of lives lost per discharge! On the other extreme end of the spectrum, one could say babies aren't people until they are speaking, etc. It's a slippery slope in either case. I'm pretty on the fence in either case on abortion, but its not black and white in my mind.
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John R.
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Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #68 - Oct 5th, 2021 at 7:00am
Was talking to the charge nurse in the hospital the other day. We had a patient with undiagnosed difficulty breathing. Usual questions commenced. "Any fever?"


"Any contact with someone with covid in the last 14 days?


Someone steps in and informs the nurse "Shes had her vaccine, both already." The nurse looks at him, then at me and says "yea so have most of the other covid patients here".

Anyways since covid has become a political bludgeon to do whatever those in power want its probably good we are moving on to less inflammatory subjects like abortion and Hitler.
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Rat Man
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Slinging Rocks!

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New Jersey, USA
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Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #69 - Oct 5th, 2021 at 12:35pm
@ratman: but were you forced to go to public school or forced to join the army? No. They are trying to force everyone to get it. Once they can do that they could force you to do pretty much anything. The United States is really starting to look a lot like Nazi Germany with a bit of communism mixed in, with Furher Joe Biden of the Forth Reich as it’s puppet leader. He’s prolly being injected with meth and cocaine to even function just like Hitler. Except instead of killing Jews there is child sacrifice (abortion) instead. And it is happening worldwide not just the U.S.A.

   I find this fascinating. 
   And just for the record, yes, I was forced to go to public school.  That's what they did back in the day. There were truant officers that would come to your house to enforce it.  And though I enlisted of my own free will I could have just as easily been drafted. MANY people were forced to join the military.  Probably some are members here.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 2403
Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #70 - Oct 5th, 2021 at 4:09pm
Sarosh there are places where you can live but getting there is a challenge.
If you don't have any relationships and you are on your own, it makes this proces a lot easier and it opens up a lot of possibilities of where you can go.
Around the world vast amount of people still live like people have always lived with only a few modifications. But you have to go to South America, Russia or Africa. The first will probably be most familiar for you.
You are a smart person so you can figure it out
Preparing where you are is not always the worst option either. I don't know how much skills you have yet.
Stay strong
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All Glory to God forever and ever, amen
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Rat Man
Slinging.org Administrator

Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 13931
New Jersey, USA
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Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #71 - Oct 6th, 2021 at 7:48am
AncientCraftwork wrote on Oct 5th, 2021 at 4:09pm:
Sarosh there are places where you can live but getting there is a challenge.
If you don't have any relationships and you are on your own, it makes this proces a lot easier and it opens up a lot of possibilities of where you can go.
Around the world vast amount of people still live like people have always lived with only a few modifications. But you have to go to South America, Russia or Africa. The first will probably be most familiar for you.
You are a smart person so you can figure it out
Preparing where you are is not always the worst option either. I don't know how much skills you have yet.
Stay strong

There are places in Alaska and Canada you can go to live completely off the grid also.  That's a really hard life though.  You'ld have to be very dedicated and have expert bushcraft skills.
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #72 - Oct 6th, 2021 at 10:23pm
Morphy wrote on Oct 5th, 2021 at 7:00am:
Was talking to the charge nurse in the hospital the other day. We had a patient with undiagnosed difficulty breathing. Usual questions commenced. "Any fever?"


"Any contact with someone with covid in the last 14 days?


Someone steps in and informs the nurse "Shes had her vaccine, both already." The nurse looks at him, then at me and says "yea so have most of the other covid patients here".

Was it said in a joking manner?
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Slinging.org Moderator


Posts: 8239
Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #73 - Oct 6th, 2021 at 10:54pm
Hirtius wrote on Oct 6th, 2021 at 10:23pm:
Morphy wrote on Oct 5th, 2021 at 7:00am:
Was talking to the charge nurse in the hospital the other day. We had a patient with undiagnosed difficulty breathing. Usual questions commenced. "Any fever?"


"Any contact with someone with covid in the last 14 days?


Someone steps in and informs the nurse "Shes had her vaccine, both already." The nurse looks at him, then at me and says "yea so have most of the other covid patients here".

Was it said in a joking manner?

No sir. I know this particular charge nurse as we bring her patients all the time. She was dead serious.

This is going on in hospitals all over. Some areas obviously more than others. I just had a patient yesterday that had been extremely sick with covid even after being vaccinated. The other thing thats going on is vaccine related injuries are only reported in a very small fraction of cases. I know of nurses that have said virtually no one in their large hospital reports to VAERS. There is a very strong culture set in these places not to mention this particular vaccines shortcomings or any possible side effects.

This particular vaccine which really its not a vaccine by precovid definitions is garbage compared to a true attenuated virus vaccine. Calling this a pandemic of the unvaccinated is a straight up lie. Its still being spread by both vaccinated and unvaccinated alike.

I got nothing against anyone wanting to get vaxxed if they want but ill stick with natural immunity which has already been shown to be better and longer lasting.
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #74 - Oct 6th, 2021 at 11:05pm
Could they possibly be lying about being vaccinated? We know that the vaccinated can still catch it and spread it, but it should be reducing hospitalizations and deaths.
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