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Any country that values freedom over safety? (Read 13667 times)
Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 1180
Any country that values freedom over safety?
Aug 20th, 2021 at 11:48am
"If you don't like how things are you can go live in a secluded island" I'm looking for that island.
valuing life and safety are excuses for governments to gain more control.
My country sucks all around
for the past month access to all forests and some parks with trees is legally banned.Fine is 1k € Cause: forest fires.  in the next month the 3rd quarantine will probably start....

If I ever had the chance to move which country/place should I choose? Where is the land of the free?

My 1st thought is Mongolia because of the low population density and because I dont hear much about it on the news Tongue
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Slinging.org Moderator


Posts: 8135
Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #1 - Aug 20th, 2021 at 12:10pm
Let me ask you this because I think this is probably an important start to this conversation. What "exactly" are you trying to get away from? Surely it isnt just not being able to go into the forest?

Is it covid restriction/vaccine passport related? If so there will be no where safe from that. Those in power will make sure of that. This is your worldwide "papers please" moment and once those things are instituted I imagine a Chinese social credit system isnt far off.

Along with who knows what else.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 1180
Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #2 - Aug 20th, 2021 at 12:31pm
Morphy wrote on Aug 20th, 2021 at 12:10pm:
Surely it isnt just not being able to go into the forest?

being able to do that means there is some basic freedom of movement. in rural areas law is theoretically the same but practically different.

Morphy wrote on Aug 20th, 2021 at 12:10pm:
Is it covid restriction/vaccine passport related?

yes.it shows how they treat crises in the future. these restrictions are an indication of how power thirsty a government is or that its people want to be treated as cattle or that there is a big division in it's people. all are unwanted. I'd take big division over cattle.
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Slinging.org Moderator

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #3 - Aug 20th, 2021 at 12:47pm
An area u are looking for is ALASKA.  remote. Dont move to a big town or city. Some outskirts are great. No building codes and no property taxes.  You can live however you want. Thats my dream state, it might still happen. Maybe in 10 years if my location bugs the hell outta me more. With dumb neighbors
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 2453
Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #4 - Aug 21st, 2021 at 9:19pm
AK for sure. If I were 40 years younger I would go back Huh
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Perseverence furthers
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Slinging.org Moderator


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Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #5 - Aug 22nd, 2021 at 6:10am
While alaska may be as good as any place I cant imagine anyone would be able to live out there indefinitely without being able to resupply things like metal tools etc. Thats assuming you can actually get enough food to have a balanced diet.

Its looking like the big push is going to eventually be you cant even go into supermarkets/stores to get food unless you have it. I say this because its already being discussed by a few openly which usually means its being discussed a lot behind closed doors.

If that happens could a person realistically live there without being able to restock?

Im less concerned about the vaccine  than the vaccine passports. To me it seems they are using this to force things that could never be done under normal circumstances.
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Rat Man
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Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #6 - Aug 22nd, 2021 at 8:29am
    Personally I can't comprehend being resistive to being vaccinated during a plague.  I got my shots back in January and February and I'll be in line as soon as the booster is available in September.
     Plagues have been with us since the dawn of time.  Vaccination has been our only effective weapon.  During plagues there are those who take every reasonable precaution and give themselves the best chance to survive and there are those who preach and live ignorance and stupidity and pay the full price.  I  don't mean to be offensive but this is honestly how I feel.  I am very thankful for vaccinations.
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Rat Man
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #7 - Aug 22nd, 2021 at 8:41am
If it was just a matter of the vaccinated avoiding Covid and the unvaccinated becoming infected I would say "Fine, to each their own." Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. The unmasked and unvaccinated serve as perti dishes for all new variants, putting everyone at greater risk.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 1180
Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #8 - Aug 22nd, 2021 at 9:13am
@Rat Man
some people are first in line and some are last. I didn't say I don't accept to be vaccinated. I recently did my tetanus vaccine.
the thing is that politicians muddied the waters with the covid situation.

Rat Man wrote on Aug 22nd, 2021 at 8:41am:
If it was just a matter of the vaccinated avoiding Covid and the unvaccinated becoming infected I would say "Fine, to each their own." Unfortunately it doesn't work that way. The unmasked and unvaccinated serve as perti dishes for all new variants, putting everyone at greater risk.

That can be said about everything. inaction is complicity, isn't that what we do everyday?

Humanity betting everything on a massive and mandatory vaccination is absurd. anything massive and mandatory should be questioned and examined.
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Slinging.org Moderator


Posts: 8135
Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #9 - Aug 22nd, 2021 at 10:04am
While there are good reasons to be concerned about the vaccine I am no anti vaxxer. I have all my vaccines current and up to date. But I did not get the covid one for reasons that would likely lead to a wall of text no one would care to read.

That being said my biggest concern, even more so than the above, is the blatant censorship against actual, credible pathologists, microbiologists, virologist, doctors of every specialization, nobel prize winners et al. trying to bring up real data and real opposing view points.

Its damn hard to find these opposing viewpoints when we should be welcoming it. Thats the only way science comes to the truth of anything. Censorship does not lead to truth in science. It never has. Everyone regardless of how they feel about covid and the vaccine should be worried about this.
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Rat Man
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #10 - Aug 22nd, 2021 at 2:15pm
Sarosh wrote on Aug 22nd, 2021 at 9:13am:

[quote author=7C4F5A71634F402E0 link=1629474512/7#7 date=1629636112]

Humanity betting everything on a massive and mandatory vaccination is absurd. anything massive and mandatory should be questioned and examined.

It's about options.  I was definitely concerned about getting my Covid shots.  It was an unapproved experimental vaccine.  There was a small risk factor.  But what is the alternative?  I weighed the options and getting this experimental vaccine was my best one.  Humanity is betting everything on a massive and mandatory vaccination; not because we think it's a swell idea.  It's because it is our only option. 
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Lightning Jack
Ex Member

Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #11 - Aug 22nd, 2021 at 8:13pm
This basically sums up what I think of the whole thing
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Senior Member

Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #12 - Aug 23rd, 2021 at 12:42am
I think resistance to vaccines is part of a greater sickness, that we don’t have a sense of duty or obligation towards the safety of each other. For reasons of politics, paranoia, or just plain laziness, we put our own desires ahead of the safety of everyone. And I mean everyone. As Rat Man pointed out, the more Covid spreads around, the more it will change. Vaccines practically eliminated hospitalizations and death, and probably have prevented numerous cases from either happening. Those are the current results.

I think all of this craziness needs to stop. Sure, many governments have screwed up pretty bad on many things. But how paranoid do you have to be to imagine that this current effort is some super government conspiracy to achieve… what, exactly?

For the record, I’m a very skeptical person. But skepticism is different than paranoia, I base my conclusions on what is most reasonable. I guess that just varies from person to person.

I’m more of a “simplest answer is probably the best” kind of guy, and it’s only natural to conclude that the driving force is willful ignorance. People don’t like to be told what to do. Maybe they feel brave or special that they’re going against the flow. Perhaps (though this would be ridiculous…) it’s to create another political wedge issue. Maybe they truly are crazy. Either way, I think we should be concerned that this is what we have come to.

I have a friend who says they know people who are waiting until full FDA approval. It’s a bit silly considering the populace has been testing it already, but to each their own. But the reason I doubt they will get vaccinated then is because it was never about their health in the first place.

One last thing about “freedom”, a word that is often carelessly thrown around to suit an individual’s needs. Freedom is a very important thing, I’d hate to live without it. Freedom means we can do great things. But we should also recognize that freedom means we can also do stuff that screws over (or at least disregards) everyone else. Maybe it’s just me, but I think people should think long and hard about what they mean.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 1180
Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #13 - Aug 23rd, 2021 at 3:25am
Hirtius wrote on Aug 23rd, 2021 at 12:42am:
I think resistance to vaccines is part of a greater sickness, that we don’t have a sense of duty or obligation towards the safety of each other.

resistance to different opinions or ideals is a sickness?

Hirtius wrote on Aug 23rd, 2021 at 12:42am:
Sure, many governments have screwed up pretty bad on many things. But how paranoid do you have to be to imagine that this current effort is some super government conspiracy to achieve… what, exactly?

vaccine passports are not a conspiracy.
it doesn't have to be a super government coordinating everything for things to get worse or for us to lose a lot of our freedoms. it can happen because people and governments are lazy or stupid and adopt or accept policies because everyone else is doing it or because they prefer someone smarter to choose for themselves.

Hirtius wrote on Aug 23rd, 2021 at 12:42am:
One last thing about “freedom”, a word that is often carelessly thrown around to suit an individual’s needs. Freedom is a very important thing, I’d hate to live without it. Freedom means we can do great things. But we should also recognize that freedom means we can also do stuff that screws over (or at least disregards) everyone else. Maybe it’s just me, but I think people should think long and hard about what they mean.

I know very well what I mean.
In this case I prefer freedom over safety or life. If somebody or I die from covid that doesnt change my opinion. Nobody is special everyone dies.

Rat Man wrote on Aug 22nd, 2021 at 2:15pm:
It's about options.
It's because it is our only option. 

it's about options, it is not our only option.
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Slinging.org Moderator


Posts: 8135
Re: Any country that values freedom over safety?
Reply #14 - Aug 23rd, 2021 at 4:37am
Open question:

At what level of tyranny/censorship would you decide that you cant go along with the what youre told to do anymore? Or how about less than that. At what point do you say wait a second this seems a little odd.

Honestly, this is a real question. Im sure everyones line in the sand is different. Have you considered that question for yourselves?

If you are waiting for some guy to appear from behind a curtain, twist his mustache and say "Mwahahahah", thats never going to happen.

What will happen is a constant series of fear inducing crises where the only answer is to give up a little more freedom each time. Then one day it will get so bad that the people will collectively say "how did we get here?" And the answer is always the same. One step at a time. Each step was for the greater good, each step was to narrowly avert disaster, each step was to prove your patriotism or your devotion to the collective or to embrace "progress".

It keeps happening. Over and over. And each time a generation or two or three has to suffer horrifically before they learn that lesson only for it to be forgotten with the upcoming generations. Each time the upcoming generations are 100% sure it can happen somewhere else but not "here". Wherever here may be.

So again, what's your line in the sand? Ive played my hand but I am genuinely curious to see others breaking points so to speak.
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