Hirtius wrote on Aug 23
rd, 2021 at 12:42am:
I think resistance to vaccines is part of a greater sickness, that we don’t have a sense of duty or obligation towards the safety of each other.
resistance to different opinions or ideals is a sickness?
Hirtius wrote on Aug 23
rd, 2021 at 12:42am:
Sure, many governments have screwed up pretty bad on many things. But how paranoid do you have to be to imagine that this current effort is some super government conspiracy to achieve… what, exactly?
vaccine passports are not a conspiracy.
it doesn't have to be a super government coordinating everything for things to get worse or for us to lose a lot of our freedoms. it can happen because people and governments are lazy or stupid and adopt or accept policies because everyone else is doing it or because they prefer someone smarter to choose for themselves.
Hirtius wrote on Aug 23
rd, 2021 at 12:42am:
One last thing about “freedom”, a word that is often carelessly thrown around to suit an individual’s needs. Freedom is a very important thing, I’d hate to live without it. Freedom means we can do great things. But we should also recognize that freedom means we can also do stuff that screws over (or at least disregards) everyone else. Maybe it’s just me, but I think people should think long and hard about what they mean.
I know very well what I mean.
In this case I prefer freedom over safety or life. If somebody or I die from covid that doesnt change my opinion. Nobody is special everyone dies.
Rat Man wrote on Aug 22
nd, 2021 at 2:15pm:
It's about options.
It's because it is our only option.
it's about options, it is not our only option.