Morphy wrote on Aug 16
th, 2021 at 1:30pm:
So are you looking into this again mainly for accuracy?
For short distances yes. I have gotten used to the feel of captive release. The no ''tug'' feeling. I enjoy using this sling a lot.
it's very simple in operation, not having to think about pouch orientation and all. It's like slinging a stone with a cord tied to it. But the benefit being that upon release there is no trailing cord. The release is very direct.
Don't get me wrong, oval projectiles slung by a ''rifle sling'' or conventional sling, with the right pouch orientation, result in much lower drag coefficient and thus a higher perceivable speed and less speed-drop over distance. This is a serious edge of the conventional sling over the y-sling. But likewise this release compensation with a ''rifle-sling'' is what makes accuracy, especially with random ammo, a never ending battle.
One thing that drew me back is the captive release. I am seriously falling in love with it. It makes longer slings much more practical. It just took some time to get used to and an open mind.
Captive release can also be used on conventional slings, but if the orientation is not right it can lead to very dangerous situations, with the ammo not releasing but getting hooked by the release cord and then flying exactly 120 degrees the other way I was aiming

I've had this happen and missed a neighbours window by a few cm, I concluded captive release is not fit for conventional slings.