modern sling usage.
Things like sling golf, dog training (I seem to sell more slings to dog owners than anyone else).
seed bombs, riots, etc
modern sling manufacture.
braiding versus laser cutting leather and 3d printing waterproof pouches.
why different methods are used for different sling types.
Sling ammo and the various ways to make your own - both safe and unsafe.
How to start a local slinging group
How different sling types effect what ammo you can sling.
And how that can also have a knock on cultural effect.
You pretty much touched on just about everything at some point in the david and goliath discussion. The last 20 minutes or so covered all of the above topic ideas and more.
So maybe try and focus on the topic in hand a wee bit more
Otherwise the casts are going to get very 'samey' very quickly.
Also is you repeat the same stuff each time - what incentive is there for people to listen to the next cast ?
And you need to get Roman de la cruz on as a guest at some point to discuss the phenomenal progress of slinging in guam and how it's being used to rekindle a culture the spanish spent 400 years trying to destroy.
Let me know if you can't get hold of him - it can be tricky, he doesn't stand still very often lol
I'm not a general fan of podcasts - so when i say I did listen to both all the way through, and didn't even shout at the screen - like i frequently do at the radio
That's high praise indeed
Just tighten it up a little and try keep on topic a bit more.
But carry on dragging us into the modern era.