If you sling elongated stones, I think you are better off releasing with more of a spiral spin. Although I do notice many Balaeric slingers still sling somewhere inbetween spiral and inline even with elongates stones. I take note of their release point and its often somewhere between inline and spiral. I see many of their oval stones don't fly perfectly straight but not vertical either, but somewhere in between, with a somewhat upwards yaw angle on the stone. I think of all slinger videos, Sarosh would be a good example of a spiral slinger.
But the benefit of releasing inline is that that's the way a sling wants to be released by its very nature. Just hold a sling with a projectile loaded and see how it rolls out. It wants to roll out alongside the release cord. That's inline. But when you release perfectly inline, it's best to use spherical ammo. Then it releases like a round stone from a sling on a trebuchet or conventional staff sling, No spiral spin, but a spin inline with the direction of the throw. Thus a sidespin with sidearm, backspin with vertical overarm and topspin with underarm. The release cord simply gets pushed out of the way and bends backwards.
The benefit of this style of inline of release is that you can release with the release cord in front, towards the target, instead of releasing with the release at side of the retention cord. It's feels more intuitive in my opinion with the ballistic curve more inline. like slinging a bola, but with spin that is inline with the direction of the throw.
A spiral spin however is more like shooting off the propeller instead of shooting in line with the propellor. The spin is no longer inline but now a spiral. It's great for longer distances and straigth trajectories but the release is harder to gauge right, but that's what I think.
Overall, since most stones are not perfectly round, it definitely makes sense to use more of a spiral spin on those. But my accuracy with ball projectiles feels much better inline. That is up to 50 meters or so. Then I think it's better to throw with a straight flying spiral spin compared to a curving sidespin or curving diagonal backspin.