made a torsion slingshot about 9 years ago.
The video also has an excellent apache style throw with asling.
The torsion slingshot is about midway through the video.
For the record - no modern material is as good as animal sinew.
Once dried and twisted it outperforms all modern materials and cordage.
There was a program a few years back where a team made a full size mangonel. Hmm NOPE not a mangonel, one of them big crossbow type thingies that fire spears.
If i could remember what they were called, I could probably find the program
Good program.
they did all manner of tests and just could not find anything to match animal sinew.
Got any videos of yours in action slyngorm ?
hard to tell how large it is.
But i might make a 3d printed one using tpu as the cord. It's stupidly strong and really elastic, so should work well.
Something small to fire bbs would be fun.
I'll add it to my (long) list of projects