Hello all,
It’s that time again! I think this could be even more important than the abstract sling design thread. I’ve had extensive conversation in private with half a dozen people on this subject and the things that have been proposed have been nothing short of incredible. I really hope you all will take part in this thread!
Of course there will be a prize or prizes. But that’s not the most important part. The ways that ammo design can change and improve slinging are almost unlimited.
Please take part if this subject at all interests you! As with the Abstract Sling Design thread theories are fine but to be eligible to win you must have a prototype with at least a picture and it must be “reasonably” likely to work. Lol.
Taping a laser pointer to a rock and calling it a laser guided glande would be funny, but won’t qualify you for the prize.
Lastly, there’s a new prize in these threads! A door prize! Even if you think your idea is not quite as good as the other entries, if you post it and it’s a legitimate design you are eligible for the door prize!!! All entries will be put in a hat and a random name will be pulled on video. The winner gets a prize even if your entry doesn’t get a single vote!
So, if that hasn’t convinced you, lastly know you will grace the Hall of Fame for the rest of this year. Women will stand in awe of you. Men will take off their hat as you pass and children will throw away their Batman pajamas and replace them with YOU pajamas.
So join one and all!!! Let the contest begin!!!