Magnus effect - well yes I did notice that

Now I did take a couple videos. But honestly, with the phone in one hand and the sling in the other, it does not make for great video.
So before I take pics of the wreckage and try and salvage a half reasonable bit of footage I'll go through my observations.
Throwing with a stick, whittled smooth.
No difference between slotted and solid.
I tended to throw high, with more practice I'd get it straighter.
Didn't travel terribly straight.
But with a sling, very noticeable difference.
They both went further, probably 30-40 metres.
Fig 8 with a good vertical release, went well as did a multi rotation windup and sidearm throw.
Unfortunately with the phone in one hand fig 8 is tricky.
And then there was the other problem

Phoebe and dream

Yeah, while neither brought them back to me, they did enjoy chasing them and giving them a good crunch.
So I reckon a got an average of 1.5 throws per aerofoil.
And the results are:
The solid ones flew quite well, not terribly straight - I was either throwing into the wind or across the wind - but they flew correctly oriented, just not terribly straight.
The grooved/slotted ones flew a lot straighter and tended to climb quite steeply as well.
When I got one the wrong way round, they just dived into the ground. So the grooves were definitely both giving lift and also keeping them straighter.
So if I cut down on the number of slots, they should go further and straighter.
I'd have liked to do a lot more throws, but after about 15 minutes all I had left was bits

So I really need to go down with the tripod and also make the aerofoils out of the flexible tpu, which should be a lot more dog proof

But as far as this short test goes.
Yeah, they throw quite well. Once I get the number of grooves right so they go more forward than up, should get some reasonable distance.
Tempted to up the diameter to 35 or 40, which will not only give more overall weight but more wing area.
I've got the length about right. I tried a couple that had been bitten in half, and they were rubbish.
So maybe go up to 40mm diameter and 60 or 70mm length, and make them from 'chewable' polyurethane. And reduce number of slots.
But yep, fun new ammo type.
When I've got the design nailed down, I'll attach the stls.
Without such enthusiastic helpng friends, the crunchy pla ones would probably last for years

Oh yeah I ended up just using the shepherd's sling in the end. Just worked really well. I think it's one of Pete's, but wouldn't swear to it.
Attached pic of bits I could find, looks like I missed a couple.