Currently got a chap talking to me about maybe getting a rather nice looking resin printer for review.
Now, over the last couple years I've had 4 different companies offering to send me a machine - so far not a single one has ever turned up.
I am apparently an industry influencer
(so I've been told) - but not yet on youtube, just on the worlds largest 3d printer forum.
I've had a few designing jobs out of it and been sent some interesting filaments to play with - but so far no actual printers have arrived.
Now personally I reckon the forum probably gives me more clout than the average 3d printing youtuber - and there are thousands of them, and only one of me on the forum.
But the marketing wallahs do tend to have tunnel vision.
So I will start putting some more videos up, just because it can't hurt
I'm not actually getting that excited, 'cos like I said, this is far from the first offer I've had.
However this chap is a little different, he's freelance and not directly working for a specific company, like most of them tend to.
And seems to have worked out that my recommendation will probably sell more machines than a low end youtuber.
So who knows.
And why, you ask am I telling you this ?
The detail level and model architecture you can achieve with a resin printer is just phenomenal.
It's proper movie spy gadget detail level.
And with the price of resin dropping rapidly and differnt types becoming more easily available, resin machines are becoming a good viable alternative for tougher prints. Previously the resins were known for their inherent brittleness.
The resin is still nasty smelly sticky stuff and you have to wash the prints in isopropyl alcohol and then blast it with uv light to finish the curing. But detail level, oh yeah !
So things like the delayed action glandes, would be easily doable.
They hinge on a really precise and smooth spiral track and tiny housings for ball bearings, that I just can't do properly with an fdm system.
But with one of the new generation resin machines - it would be a piece of cake. would probably be the machine.
Anyway we'll see what occurs.