Well that was fairly easy

I threw it the length of my workshop with the 'sling' launcher.
I can probably throw it a lot better by hand lol
For any kind of distance you want a much smaller one with a weighted front.
So what you want is a sheet of lead foil.
Cut a strip as long as the paper you're folding to make the leading edge.
Fold it to get some extra density, and fold it inside the paper.
If you use thin card and use A6 size rectangle, you should end up with something possibly small enough to be thrown from a soft leather pouch.
With my bigger one (made from A5 paper) I just glued a piece of plastic drinking straw alone the tail, where you put your finger for throwing.
The sling is just a length of 2mm masons line with a sliding finger loop.
If I knew what this thing was called - I've probably been making them for over 40 years - I could find a howto.
But I have absolutely no clue what they are called. Hell I don't even have a name for them.
Just 'round paper throwing things that aren't planes'
So there you are

If you wanted a more zylo shaped one. You just make two the same size, and glue one inside the other so that you have 4 tail fins instead of just the 2.
This would also give you a much heavier front end as well.
With two fins, and throwing by hand - as shown in the gif - you lay your index finger along the tail, and depending how you throw, it will go straight, do a loop or just curve round and come back to you.
With 4 tail fin, it would probably fly a lot straighter.
Never tried it

Hmm is at an aerofoil ?
Well yes it is !
https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/edu/teach/activity/ring-wing-glider/If the best name NASA can come up with is: 'ring wing glider'.
I don't feel so bad about: 'flying ring thing that isn't a plane'

So there ya go