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Abstract Ammo Design 2021! (Read 27787 times)
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Re: Abstract Ammo Design 2021!
Reply #150 - Aug 2nd, 2021 at 12:03pm
Nice Albion! Besides looking badass is there is a specific benefit or theory you are trying to prove with this design?
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Abstract Ammo Design 2021!
Reply #151 - Aug 2nd, 2021 at 5:04pm
So not while shooting an airgun then ?

What sling do you throw them with ?
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Abstract Ammo Design 2021!
Reply #152 - Aug 11th, 2021 at 6:23am
Do these count as abstract ammo ?

Given that they're more or less designed specifically for my disc slings, can you have an ammo/sling combo entry ?
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1_claydiscs_001.jpg (152 KB | 53 )
3_claydiscs_001.jpg (113 KB | 50 )

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Re: Abstract Ammo Design 2021!
Reply #153 - Aug 11th, 2021 at 9:34am
Lol absolutely.  Someone needs to crack the whole disc sling idea once and for all and it seems you are on the way to doing that. How cool would it be to have disc ammo? Especially if it created lift. My goodness could you imagine how far they would fly.
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Re: Abstract Ammo Design 2021!
Reply #154 - Aug 11th, 2021 at 10:55am
Maybe we can make a rule that if a certain design sling is needed to make the new ammo work it should be allowed. It only makes sense to me.
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Abstract Ammo Design 2021!
Reply #155 - Aug 17th, 2021 at 2:37pm
lol, created lift ?
You are just cruel !

So, hmm, vanes in the centre of the torus maybe ?

Should be simple enough to design the mould -  I wonder how well the clay would hold up ?

Okay challenge accepted Smiley

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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Abstract Ammo Design 2021!
Reply #156 - Aug 17th, 2021 at 3:38pm
Soooo, if I've got this right - and due to the seat of your pants, line of sight, slapdash design practices I use, it's a big 'IF' whistle

This should produce a thick edged helicopter disc with lift produced with a clockwise/right-handed-slinger direction of rotation.

Or it won't lol

And, we're off !
see you in an hour and a half

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helicoptermould.JPG (117 KB | 45 )

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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Abstract Ammo Design 2021!
Reply #157 - Aug 17th, 2021 at 4:34pm
And halfway through the print i realised the solid design flaw.

The central clumn was supposed to be clay to support the fins.
And it's totally the opposite...
Printer off.
back to openscad.

And here we go again !

(meanwhile on the other side of the desk - vetryans crystal edition 60x35 mould is halfway through it;s 8.5 hour build process)
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Abstract Ammo Design 2021!
Reply #158 - Aug 19th, 2021 at 8:02am
well knock me down and roll me in maple syrup !

I think it worked !

So far I've only used playdoh and the first succesful mould set (yeah, my mate had to point out what I'd done wrong lol) has produced a left hand/anticlockwise lift surface.
But, it did make the shape I wanted !

And if you can mould it in playdoh - really soft - then the clat ones should be fairly robust.

I went for only 2 lifting vanes out of a possible 4. Because at the end of the day, we don't want a missile that just goes straight up.

Hopefully  this should provide a nice balance between forward movement and powered lift.

But damn !
I genuinely had no clue if this would work or not, my cad is every bit as slap dash as I claim it is.
And designing something as a space for a negative mould, really puts your brain through the wringer.

Oh yeah and I made a rough mould squasher.
Unfortunately it doesn't add enough squoze for my modelling clay, but works perfectly for play doh and - probably - softer clay. Well you can't get any stiffer clay that's workable than the stuff I have.

Come on, this is next level stuff here Smiley
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Abstract Ammo Design 2021!
Reply #159 - Aug 19th, 2021 at 11:07am
Here's a -really- rough mini video of the right handed mould being made.
The stringy bits between the pegs are down to this filament, which is pretty horrible to print with and partly down to my changing a setting I should have left alone.
But as it takes a couple minutes to clean up,bi couldn't be arsed to change it back  Smiley
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Abstract Ammo Design 2021!
Reply #160 - Aug 19th, 2021 at 11:42am
And yes you correct in thinking: 'oh god he's only got another bloody program for mucking about with pictures!'

Yep gif maker Smiley

So here's the whole (well I have pre dusted the mould with talc) helicopter ammo making process in a neat little 20 second montage.

With stiffer clay, you tend to get a lot less deformation when you prise the model from the mould.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

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Re: Abstract Ammo Design 2021!
Reply #161 - Aug 19th, 2021 at 1:11pm
Cool stuff, CA. I wanna see it in action!

Also, I want to see you make x-zylo ammo, I bet that would fly very far, and work from a normal sling.
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John R.
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Abstract Ammo Design 2021!
Reply #162 - Aug 19th, 2021 at 2:50pm
what is x-zylo ?
Okay, flying ring - I used to make those from a sheet of paper.
There's defintiely at least one thread on them around the forum.
Given that they generally don't need spin... (can you hear the little hamster in his head ramping up the wheel speed ?)

Yeah i think I can do that fairly easily. But probably not from clay.
The cord runing through the guide channel would probably just tear the clay loose. But then it would only need to survive one throw i suppose.
Hell I think i can probably make one from paper and drinking straws lol
Clay would be too heavy.

Right then while I'm doing that, you lot can work out the conumdrum below Smiley
(now do we still have drinking straws, hmmm)

And at thje moment my brain is - literally - spinning.

Have I got the spin direction for lift the wrong way round ?

should the slope be facing into the spin or sway from it.

Like most people ny mrain works best when I;m out with the dogs.
You've got more blood pumping round and you're in a higher oxygen environment.

So I was thinking about aerodynamics.

Now wings create lift because the air travelling over the wing moves faster than that going below, which reduces atmospheric pressure and sucks the wing upwards.

Soooo, with the pointy end of the wedge facing the direction of spin, surely that surface is longer than the shorter and flat underside.

However, given that the blunt face would be facing into the wind, surely that would slow the spin rate.
So I think I need the slope to be on the underside of the disc and facing the direction of travel.

or do i ???????

It's doing my head in lol
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Abstract Ammo Design 2021!
Reply #163 - Aug 19th, 2021 at 4:14pm
Well that was fairly easy Smiley

I threw it the length of my workshop with the 'sling' launcher.
I can probably throw it a lot better by hand lol

For any kind of distance you want a much smaller one with a weighted front.

So what you want is a sheet of lead foil.
Cut a strip as long as the paper you're folding to make the leading edge.
Fold it to get some extra density, and fold it inside the paper.

If you use thin card and use A6 size rectangle, you should end up with something possibly small enough to be thrown from a soft leather pouch.

With my bigger one  (made from A5 paper) I just glued a piece of plastic drinking straw alone the tail, where you put your finger for throwing.
The sling is just a length of 2mm masons line with a sliding finger loop.

If I knew what this thing was called - I've probably been making them for over 40 years - I could find a howto.
But I have absolutely no clue what they are called. Hell I don't even have a name for them.
Just 'round paper throwing things that aren't planes'

So there you are Smiley

If you wanted a more zylo shaped one. You just make two the same size, and glue one inside the other so that you have 4 tail fins instead of just the 2.
This would also give you a much heavier front end as well.

With two fins, and throwing by hand - as shown in the gif - you lay your index finger along the tail, and depending how you throw, it will go straight, do a loop or just curve round and come back to you.

With 4 tail fin, it would probably fly a lot straighter.
Never tried it Smiley

Hmm is at an aerofoil ?

Well yes it is !
If the best name NASA can come up with is: 'ring wing glider'.
I don't feel so bad about: 'flying ring thing that isn't a plane' whistle

So there ya go Thumbs Up
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Do All things with Honour and Generosity: Regret Nothing, Envy None, Apologise Seldom and Bow your head to No One  - works for me Smiley
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Abstract Ammo Design 2021!
Reply #164 - Aug 19th, 2021 at 4:47pm
Bunch of videos on different types of circular aerofoils.
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