The fixed distance glande.
Well the concept is 100% sound.
Just really fiddly and the parachutes would be a real sod to make.
Plus getting really smooth bearings is crucial and I ran out of enthusiasm lol.
It's a short window, if I don't have a working prototype in 2-3 days I tend to lose focus.
If anyone's got access to an SlS or binderjet printer, then you'd have no problem making them.
Thinking nooc or judopete here.
The idea is pretty simple.
You have a hollow glande in two parts, with a shaft through the middle. So you can fill the shell with clay or something similar and then screw it together.
You then have inserts.
Each insert comprises of a tube with spiral threads.
You then have a cartridge with bearings that engage the threads. The back of the cartridge has a parachute, it also has slanted air intakes.
By adjusting how many turns there are in the spiral track you can control how long it takes for the cartridge to travel through the centre of the glande.
When the cartridge runs through and the end protudes from the the back air is forced through the intakes, which pushes the parachute out the back and stops the glande.
It sounds complicated, but it's only one moving part.
The parachute cartridges are all the same, you just change the threaded inserts for different distance glandes.
Obviously (lol) the track stops before the parachute cartridge falls out and the inserts lock in to main glande body.
It's a pretty simple concept, but it does rely on really good bearings and very smooth tracks.
The actual design process is not complicated. But for a smallish glande an fdm printer us going to struggle.
Plus to make it seriously tough and virtually unbreakable, it all needs to be made from polyurethane, and that doesn't print totally smooth as it's prone to stringing.
An SlS machine using nylon would make them just as tough and have no issues with the required precision.
I'm pretty sure if you can make them that they will work. The parachute is the only thing that might break and also the fiddliest to make
So anyway, that's that idea.
At the moment my vote is definitely for the edible/biodegradable glandes.
I love those