Morphy wrote on Mar 1
st, 2021 at 7:35am:
Question for you all: Mythbusters used to use shock/impact stickers to judge lethality from concussive forces. Does anyone remember the different levels? Like perhaps 75G for instant kills etc.
I remember them mentioning this on several occasions but would rather not sort through several dozen episodes until I find it. Im wanting to get some for project at some point.
Ball Fall
Myth Status Notes
A person who falls out of a helicopter while inside an inflatable zorb ball can survive the impact and walk away uninjured. Busted Adam and Jamie attached "shock watch" stickers to Buster, calibrated to register impacts of 50, 75, and 100 g. With Jamie watching from the ground, Adam rode with Buster in a helicopter up to an altitude of 1,000 feet (300 m) and dropped a sandbag to ensure that he could hit the target zone. Adam then kicked an unprotected Buster out of the cabin hatch as a control run. Buster hit the ground at an estimated 120 miles per hour (190 km/h), tripping all the stickers and indicating fatal injuries.
Adam and Jamie then loaded Buster into the ball and suspended him from the helicopter by a tether with a quick-release catch. When Adam dropped Buster from the same height in this trial, his impact velocity was reduced to 56 miles per hour (90 km/h), but all the stickers were tripped again. A final attempt, with several bundles of bubble wrap inside the ball to cushion Buster, gave the same results; in addition, some of the bundles were dislodged and Buster sank to the bottom of the ball's internal cavity. Adam and Jamie called the myth busted, since none of the impacts were survivable.