xud9a - call me zud 👍 wrote on Mar 11
th, 2021 at 5:04pm:
Go on then 👍
Ok have I let the tension build? Because that’s totally what I was doing waiting that long...had nothing to do with laziness or allergies making me want to sleep till the next ice age. Not. At. All.
So, question? What is the fastest living thing on Earth relative to it’s size? For example, some of you might be thinking of the Cheetah. Yes very fast but not even close. Others might think, this is easy, the peregrine falcon. Well, while a peregrine falcon can dive at the equivalent of a human running at 380 mph (170 m/s) it is actually not the fastest.
Some of you are getting tricky right now and thinking...clearly it’s...the tiger beetle! A beetle that can run at the equivalent of roughly 480 mph were it the same size as a human. That’s 215 m/s for the civilized among us.
And yet...you are incorrect. Because the mighty fungus wins again.
The spores of Pilobolus Crystallinus accelerate at 20,000 G’s. Which for it’s size makes it much faster than these other speed demons. Of course it doesn’t go all that far but damnit...if you are a gnat and you accidentally fly too close, it’s going to kill you dead pardner!
Ok fine...Ill shut up here’s a video.