
Slinging Rocks!
Posts: 122
I'm in full agreement on optimum projectile weight "in general", however since the average projectile weights for glandes from the ancients appears to be on the lighter side, I have been messing around with 25-35 gram lead balls and glandes. I highly recommend yall head over to TheSlingshotForum and check out the "Power rangers" section, then check out the hunting section. U will find very low energies, typically around 10 fpe, up to 15fpe, taking down rabbits and even raccoons. That is telling me that 15 fpe is atleast very dangerous. With that in mind, I have chronograph readings for the last few days a short sling (about 25 in. From pouch to finger loop) launching 30 gram lead balls and have been getting 150+fps quite easily, and that's giving us about 20 fpe consistently on the low end, 25 on the high end. Make that into a glande and now it has penetration too, on top of being much cheaper and getting to carry way more than 60 gram glandes. I even did a range test between lead balls weighing 60 grams and 30 grams, the results is that the 30 gram balls went on average 192 meters, whereas the 60 gram balls went 170 meters. I think there are definite advantages to light ammo, specifically for warfare.