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“Wholesale” slings (Read 2844 times)
Slinging.org Moderator

Posts: 2993
“Wholesale” slings
Dec 23rd, 2020 at 12:56pm
I know most of y’all love making your own slings, but if anyone is looking for a bunch of slings and needs them fast, I can help.

Whether you want to sell them at a gun show, give them away as gifts, or teach a slinging class... I can supply a bunch of slings that are all the same as each other at a reasonable price.

I currently have a design specifically for tennis balls, and this is something I plan to sell myself soon, but I have extra capacity for making more than I plan to sell right now. Pick any of the pdf pouch patterns on this forum and I can have them made in a few weeks  (possibly less if it’s a pattern I already have a cutting die for). I can also help design something new if you want some shape that is unique.

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« Last Edit: Jun 5th, 2021 at 12:00pm by NooneOfConsequence »  

“My final hour is at hand. We face an enemy more numerous and cunning than the world has yet seen. Remember your training, and do not fear the hordes of Judas. I, without sin, shall cast the first stone. That will be your sign to attack! But you shall not fight this unholy enemy with stones. No! RAZOR GLANDES!  Aim for the eyes! May the Lord have mercy, for we shall show none!“  -Jesus the Noodler
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: “Wholesale” slings
Reply #1 - Jan 15th, 2021 at 9:04am
better pics might be a good idea.

Absolutely no real clue from the picture what the slings look like. how long they are - ends of release and retention cords etc
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Do All things with Honour and Generosity: Regret Nothing, Envy None, Apologise Seldom and Bow your head to No One  - works for me Smiley
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Slinging.org Moderator

Posts: 2993
Re: “Wholesale” slings
Reply #2 - Jan 15th, 2021 at 2:12pm
Well... that’s the thing. The photo just illustrates that I can crank out a lot of slings fast.  I can make a sling to your specifications. Any of the pdf pouches on the site or something different. Any length of cordage. It doesn’t matter. It might take a little time to get a new cutting die if someone wants something different than my asymmetric sling, but if there’s a need for a lot of identical slings, I may be able to help out.

You could probably offer a similar service CA with that fancy laser of yours. The die cutting method has its place though and is better for high volume production. That’s something nobody else is offering now, so I’m filling the gap... even though nobody seems to have a need at the moment Smiley
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« Last Edit: Jan 19th, 2021 at 4:14pm by NooneOfConsequence »  

“My final hour is at hand. We face an enemy more numerous and cunning than the world has yet seen. Remember your training, and do not fear the hordes of Judas. I, without sin, shall cast the first stone. That will be your sign to attack! But you shall not fight this unholy enemy with stones. No! RAZOR GLANDES!  Aim for the eyes! May the Lord have mercy, for we shall show none!“  -Jesus the Noodler
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: “Wholesale” slings
Reply #3 - Jan 30th, 2021 at 8:26am
Absolutely _ die cutting is the way to go.
No burnt edges to clean up and presumably you can use them on quite thick leather.
And you can even make them in a warm room !
My workshop is currently around 12c
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Do All things with Honour and Generosity: Regret Nothing, Envy None, Apologise Seldom and Bow your head to No One  - works for me Smiley
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Slinging.org Moderator

Posts: 2993
Re: “Wholesale” slings
Reply #4 - Jan 30th, 2021 at 8:34pm
Well, if you churned out a few dozen slings, the laser might bump that up a degree or two Smiley
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“My final hour is at hand. We face an enemy more numerous and cunning than the world has yet seen. Remember your training, and do not fear the hordes of Judas. I, without sin, shall cast the first stone. That will be your sign to attack! But you shall not fight this unholy enemy with stones. No! RAZOR GLANDES!  Aim for the eyes! May the Lord have mercy, for we shall show none!“  -Jesus the Noodler
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: “Wholesale” slings
Reply #5 - Feb 26th, 2021 at 8:27am
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No citizen has a right to be an amateur in the matter of physical training…what a disgrace it is for a man to grow old without ever seeing the beauty and strength of which his body is capable. -Socrates
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Curious Aardvark
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Taller than the average

Posts: 13965
Midlands England
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Re: “Wholesale” slings
Reply #6 - Mar 15th, 2021 at 9:43am
not mad keen on eyelets, but look good Thumbs Up
I think I've got one (or two) of those (looks in altoids tin in front of him.)

Ah okay, yeah if you're not going to do a loop attachment then an eyelet is a better option.

But for the record a proper loop attachment that grips the leather and doesn't stress the hole. Is easier, stronger and doesn't need eyelets - so probably quicker as well.
And it holds the pouch flat and doesn't allow it to swing.

Which isn't a big issue - but you know, nitpicking whistle
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Do All things with Honour and Generosity: Regret Nothing, Envy None, Apologise Seldom and Bow your head to No One  - works for me Smiley
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