Yeah time zone is the thing to think about.
They do one on my bbq forum, but it’s 5pm pacific time (I know I know, Americans have never worked out that there are other countries in the world and we all use a standard time measurement
Which works out to about 10pm my time. Or dinner time.
It’s when my medication wears off and I start feeling like eating again.
So we’ll either need it early afternoon for the yanks, either puts Mersa in the middle of the night or their middle of the morning, or late night for the yanks.
I lose track on the antipodes. I believe they’re 9 hours ahead of the uk, or 11.
Quite what’s that equates to in us time - will take some working out
Let’s face it - it’s you awkward buggers in North America with your 3 time zones that bugger things up.
We British invented time so if we could all work with GMT as the base point - it would make it easier to work out
Let’s list our time zones and we can go from there.
I’m at GMT: 0
Never done a zoom - But I have sorted it out for a few clients recently. And my new-to-me(old one my mate gave me) iPad Pro is a decent size for it.
I’m not an apple fan and for the 800 odd quid he originally paid for it, it was massively over priced. But for a freebie with neat fold out keyboard cover - great little piece of kit
I’ll go download zoom and have a play.