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Grading ranged weapons survivalist' charts (Read 19467 times)


Posts: 508
Re: Grading ranged weapons survivalist' charts
Reply #60 - Jan 17th, 2021 at 4:57pm
Archaic Arms wrote on Jan 10th, 2021 at 7:48am:
I've heard that matchlocks are harder to hunt with than you would imagine, as if the breeze is not favourable the animals will be alerted by the smell of the match cord.

Good point. I will add that to "Other".

Archaic Arms wrote on Jan 10th, 2021 at 7:48am:
They are quite versatile however, and you can shoot anything from bullets and lead shot to flint shrapnel (yes they did this).

A higher rating on "Ammunition specialization" and "Ammunition manufacturing" is needed. Maybe 6 and 7?

Archaic Arms wrote on Jan 10th, 2021 at 7:48am:
Maintenance is very easy

I disagree. The preparation process is so tedious and the fuse literally vanishes into thin air.
But maybe the don't break very easily?

Archaic Arms wrote on Jan 10th, 2021 at 7:48am:
making them isn't hugely difficult if you have the metals and the know-how.

Well.... that could be said about all of these. I think the simplicity rating is fair because most people don't have skills in metal working, also when comparing to the number of people who know at least a little of wood working. Metal doesn't sprout from the ground in the same way too.

AncientCraftwork wrote on Jan 11th, 2021 at 4:46am:
I've never liked firearms' loudness. I already suffer from tinnitus, whether that's due to electromagnetic interference or due to noise induced hearing loss, I don't know. I do try to take care of my ears since I was 16, wearing protection wherever required. My tinnitus is not too bad, in nature I don't hear it due to the background noise, but inside a room I do hear it. I do not want it to get worse. I don't get how people shot guns in the past without hearing protection, or with minimal protection. Hearing protection for guns is a relatively new thing.  It always baffled me how people could use guns without it.
I always cringe when I see people shoot guns without hearing protection.
I heard blackpowder guns are not as loud as modern firearms. I don't know about that. If I could own 1 firearm it would be a .22, integrally suppressed.

I have never been near an actual firearm but I was once in the vicinity of an old-time canon being fired during a historic re-enactment. At 10 meters distance it was like being punched in the chest. Back then it was simply part of the job. Both men and women faced dangerous situations every day and lost some teeth, fingers and health along the way. There was simply nothing else to do.

I have only been at it a little with an air riffle. Which reminds me that I gotta rate that one too.
Any starting thoughts?

TOMBELAINE wrote on Jan 12th, 2021 at 10:14am:
Voili voilou (in french)

Some comments on youtube told me that it is supposed to fly straight at its target. Is that true?
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Grading ranged weapons survivalist' charts
Reply #61 - Jan 19th, 2021 at 3:25am
Yes, of course !
It seems to me that the majority of the members ignore the operation of a throwing stick.
So I'm going to lay out a bit of the theory. Not being a specialist, it will be brief. And you will see that technology is not primitive.
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Grading ranged weapons survivalist' charts
Reply #62 - Jan 19th, 2021 at 8:40am

The oldest and simpliest : the right stick.
It's not profiled, it's solid, it flies straight with a short range. During the flight, it rotates on itself.

Tomorrow, the right assymetric stick.
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Grading ranged weapons survivalist' charts
Reply #63 - Jan 20th, 2021 at 3:24am
Today, the example of the African Rungu.
The center of gravity is shifted to one end. This increases the rotation inertia. So, the range is increased.
It's not profiled, it's solid and it flies straight.

Tomorrow : the first consequence of profiling.
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Grading ranged weapons survivalist' charts
Reply #64 - Jan 21st, 2021 at 2:47am
Page 66, photo 46 and 47 : 2 australian throwing sticks : LIL-LIL.
If you start profiling a straight stick, its flight becomes unstable. It spins and falls to the ground.
Therefore a curvature is required to stabilize the flight.

Tomorrow, the second consequence to profiling.
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Slinging Rocks!

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Re: Grading ranged weapons survivalist' charts
Reply #65 - Jan 22nd, 2021 at 3:53am
Profiling gives the stick the ability to glide. It stays longer before falling.
But spinning creates a gyroscopic effect. The stick no longer flies toward its target.
Depending of the trees available, the game hunted, or even for the war, each culture has created its throwing sticks shapes.

For example with this link :

page 68, photo 52, an indian throwing stick,
and page 77, photo 67, an american throwing stick.

Tomorrow, an overview of blades settings.
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Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 839
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Re: Grading ranged weapons survivalist' charts
Reply #66 - Jan 23rd, 2021 at 2:41am
You must therefore find the settings to control gyroscopique precession.
First, general adjustements in relation to the cultural type of throwing stick.
And also, If you look at the examples of Valari and rabbit stick, you will see that each selected branch is unique and with experience, you can better unterstand the adjustement for each stick.

I have already pointed out this link but it's at the heart of the matter. Those who make boomerangs can explain better than I can.

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Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 839
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Re: Grading ranged weapons survivalist' charts
Reply #67 - Jan 24th, 2021 at 10:07am
After Europe, Africa, Australia, India and America, this is France at the times of the gauls.
With a throwing stick for bird hunting in the coastal marshes.


Well, I finished my long explanations.
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« Last Edit: Jan 25th, 2021 at 2:31am by TOMBELAINE »  
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Posts: 508
Re: Grading ranged weapons survivalist' charts
Reply #68 - Jan 24th, 2021 at 10:40am
Thank you for the explanations and drawings TOMBELAINE. Your posts were very helpful and informative.
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Slinging Rocks!

Posts: 839
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Re: Grading ranged weapons survivalist' charts
Reply #69 - Jan 25th, 2021 at 2:40am
At your service.

But, I learned everything by reading Luc Bordes who is a specialist in ethnological throwing sticks worldwide.
I maked three sticks without deepening.

The "Rungu" style throwing stick seems to me the more suitable for survival. Just my idea.
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Re: Grading ranged weapons survivalist' charts
Reply #70 - Jan 26th, 2021 at 1:54pm
That does seem like the best one in terms of simplicity/overall pay off.
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Posts: 508
Re: Grading ranged weapons survivalist' charts
Reply #71 - Mar 16th, 2021 at 5:29am
It took some time but I finally realized how to make this chart in a meaningful way. Found some software that made editing easier so I'm gonna go back and redo the other charts when I have the time.
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Posts: 508
Re: Grading ranged weapons survivalist' charts
Reply #72 - Jul 1st, 2021 at 2:59pm
My (very, very, very, very) limited graphic design abilities are being put to the test.
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Curious Aardvark
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Re: Grading ranged weapons survivalist' charts
Reply #73 - Jul 1st, 2021 at 3:43pm
Have you looked at airguns yet ?

One of the things I remember from the gun museum in the Buffalo bill centre in cody, wyoming, was the collection of air guns they had - dating back to the napoleonic wars.
Yes really.
In napoleons time air guns were actually a snipers weapon. They were .50 calibre and compared to a black powder gun - silent and with no huge plume of smoke to give you away.

No idea on the range, but pretty sure they had rifled barrels.

I'll have to dig put the pictures.

But until that point, I had no idea that serious airguns went back that far and were actually used in serious combat.
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Interfector Viris Spurii

Posts: 2403
Re: Grading ranged weapons survivalist' charts
Reply #74 - Jul 1st, 2021 at 4:43pm
Here in the Netherlands, we have no real restrictions on air guns, you only have to be 18 +, and you can own a .50  whistle
there are some real nice magazine fed 9 mm air guns for sale here as well.

1016 Joule kinetic energy

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