with something that relies so much on hand eye coordination - it depends an awful lot on the actual slinger.
Some peoiple will spend a lifetime slinging and never get close to being able to hunt.
Some might master in inside a couple of months.
The sling is unique among projectile weapons in that there is nothing to aim with and you don't store energy and then release (well technically the windup is where the eneryby is created and 'stored' and the release or throw is where it is released).
Yes all thrown weapons are like this. But the sling is the only weapon that throws a seperate projectile where the conditions of aiming and energy storing are so extreme.
You can argue that an atlatl is in the same category.
But it's actually much easier to aim an atlatl. It pretty much travels in a straight kline and you can usually see the tip of the spear before you throw and aim with it.
Slings are pure muscle memory and raw brain calculation.
It;s why someone who has been slinging for 20 odd years - but never at a fixed target - will struggle with throwing at a fixed target.
It requires a lot more initial thought than just instinct throwing at a moving or random size/distance target.
For something like balearic target shooting you actually have to re-educate your muscle memory and establish a whole new set.
But even there - it's down to the individual slinger.
You see this all the time at the international. There are balearic slingers who have been slinging their whole lives - some of them might hit the target only once in a blue moon.
The second worst slinger I've ever seen is the guy who runs the soler slinging club and has been slinging for decades, he's even got his own range.
In 5 years I only ever saw him hit the target once !
A natural slinger - someone with very good hand eye coordination - can become an amazing slinger - but even they need a LOT of practice.
Jaegoor and Luis pons - two great examples.
They are both amazing to watch. But they both put in hours and hours and hours of training.
Some people are even more gifted and can stay accurate without the long hours of prqactice.
Mar Cuesta Olivares - is a great example.
One of the best female balearic slingers - hell one of the best regardless of gender, and a very hard throwing slinger.
These days she reckons she mainly slings just at competitions and does very little training.
I would not bet against her in a competition
So slinging is not really a skill that can be easily quantified.
Yes more practive will usually produce better results - but not always