here's a version you can actually print:
Quote:// yoyo generator
wd=10; // width disc
hd=60; // height disc
st=20; // spindle thickness
sg=3; // spindle gap
dt=10; // disc thickness
module yoyo(){
translate([0,(dt+sg)/2,0]) resize([hd,dt,hd]) sphere(d=10);
translate([0,-(dt+sg)/2,0]) resize([hd,dt,hd]) sphere(d=10);
translate([0,sg,0]) rotate([90,0,0]) cylinder(d=st,h=sg*2);
} // end mod
module printable(){
difference (){
translate([0,0,hd/2]) cube([hd+10,hd+10,10],center=true);
translate([0,0,-hd/2]) cube([hd+10,hd+10,10],center=true);
} // end diff
} // end mod
Looks like a tie fighter
Won't need supports, it's just got to bridge 3mm gap (in the script above anyway).
Just started one
I could make the cutoff's a l;ot smaller - but this way there won't be any issues printing one.
The nubs either side would not work as well.
they would increase air resistance for one and you would lose all the rotation you gain from it running along the cord.
On the other hand it would throw from a standard split pouch sling.
But the nubs would probably also stop it skipping.